Essay from the year 2023 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies – Literature, University of Marburg (Marburg Centre for Canadian Studies), language: English, abstract: The manifold reflections of loss of home or migration are complex in the displacement histories and narratives because they contain difficult, untraceable journeys and experiences of immigrants and refugees involved. At present, this also concerns the largest religious community linked to massive migration movements worldwide – the Muslims. All Muslim immigrants coming to Europe, Canada or the United States carry their national, cultural, religious and above all their personal past which taken together create an ideal basis for narrating their stories.
Things are worse in their own way when people at present are trying to flee from Afghanistan since the Taliban came back to power in 2021. Most Afghan people trying to escape from their mothercountry carry classical colonial or postcolonial topics such as matters of loss, expulsion, displacement, border crossing, exile, diaspora and home. These are – as in the case with female characters – often linked to intolerance, gender injustice or the inferior role of women in the Muslim world, which at present can be seen in Iran as well.
Nadia Hashemi’s novel “When the Moon is Low” (2015) is set against this background and offers an impressive story of an Afghan family’s escape from the Taliban governed Afghanistan through the eyes of the main character Fereiba Waziri. Fereiba is a bold Afghani woman who decides to leave her homecountry after her husband’s assassination by Talibani radicals. Crossing transational boundaries, the novel is a description of the plight of contemporary migrants who are set between the crisis of displacement and emplacement, all told from a female perspective.
عن المؤلف
Matthias Dickert, geb. 1955, war von Beruf Gymnasiallehrer (Englisch, Sport, katholische Religion).
Studium an der Philipps Universität/Marburg und Durham University (GB).
Forschungsschwerpunkt: Migrationssoziologie/ Islam als Religion sowie islamische Autorinnen und Autoren im gegenwärtigen englischen Roman.
Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen (z.B. Blickpunkt der Forschung, Zeitschrift für Interdisziplinäre ökonomische Forschung, Tectum Verlag, Wißner Verlag, GRIN Verlag etc.);
Vorträge an verschiedenen europäischen und deutschen Hochschulen.
Mitglied des Marburger Zentrums für Kanadastudien seit 2012 mit diversen kanadischen Projekten an der Schnittstelle Schule -Universität.
Doktorarbeit über Autorinnen / Autoren mit islamischem Hintergrund im gegenwärtigen englischsprachigen Roman.
2017 Verleihung einer Ehrenprofessur.
Schwerpunkt der aktuellen Forschung ist die Rolle pakistanischer und afghanischer Autorinnen/ Autoren im englischsprachigen Roman.