A new civilisation focused on correcting the destructive errors of the present civilisation needs to be cultivated and implemented in the third world. This new civilisation will entail preserving current moral and environmental levels existing in the third world.
Unity Elias Yang, also the author of A Global State.
v Like the Third Estate in France, the Third World has nothing, but wants to be something, for both have been exploited.
Alfred Sauvy, French Demographer 1952.
No new light has been thrown on the reason why poor countries are poor and rich countries are rich.
Paul Samuelson, 1976
Does the Third World Point to the Future?
Trevor Burrowes, Author 1990.
The black race shall prevail.
Mouammar Kadhafi, President of Libya, July 1999.
They go naked as the day they were born; the women as the men. We Christians said they were remarkably beautiful men and women. This beauty was moral as well as physical. . . . They are the most pleasant and peaceful people in the world.
Christopher Columbus, Spanish Explorer comments on American Indians 1492
Born on 20th May 1974, Unity Elias Yang is the first African member of the Board of the Organization Vote World Parliament (VWP) in Quebec-Canada. He is also the Author
of a Global State through Democratic Federal World Government.
عن المؤلف
Born on 20th May 1974, the second anniversary day of Cameroons unitary state, Unity Elias Yang is the first African member of the Board of the Organization Vote World Parliament (VWP) in Quebec-Canada. He initially read Physics in the University of Buea, a venture that enabled him to compare the order and pragmatism that prevails in the world of physics to the spirally deadly disorder that prevails in the world of politics. He attempted to reconcile the question: If the laws of science and nature are universal, why can the laws of politics not be? This was the inspiration for this book.. The admission of his country into the Common Wealth on November 1st 1995 also created the imagination that the world could go beyond international organisations. He is doing Masters in International Law in the University of Yaounde 2, and holds an Associate Degree in Peace and Humanitarian Relief (United Nations Peace and Relief Operations) from the Peace Operations Training Institute (POTI) in Jamestown Virginia. He holds a diploma from the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM) Yaounde. He is also the author of the Third World, Where is it?