Autor: Shoji Lal Bairwa

Dr. Shoji Lal Bairwa is working as Assistant Professorcum Junior Scientist at Department of Agricultural Economics, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour (Bihar) since February 2015. Presently, Dr. Bairwa is engaged in teaching of undergraduate degree programme at Dr. Kalam Agricultural College, Kishanganj and also associated in some research projects of state government running in the jurisdiction of university. He authored two books and more than 70 other publications including research articles, review papers, book chapters and popular articles. He is lifetime member of Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing (ISAM), Hyderabad and Agricultural Economics Research Association (AERA), New Delhi. He is the recipient of two Young Scientist Awards (2016), Rastrapati Purshkar in Bharat Scouting, UGC Research Fellowship (2011), UGC Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (2012) and ICAR SRF Fellowship (2014) and also qualified UGC NET (Management), ASRB NET (Agribusiness management) and RPSC RSET (Management). He also participated more than 35 seminars/conferences, workshops and training programme of national and international repute across the country. Dr. Chandra Sen working as Professor at the Department of Agricultural Economics, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. He has served as Head of Department of Agricultural Economics, Institute of Agricultural Sciences for two terms of three years each. He has completed 22 research projects, supervised 25 Ph.D. theses and published more than 90 other publications including research articles, book chapters, and popular articles related to Agricultural economics. He has more than 22 years of experience in teaching and research in the field of Agricultural economics. He is also a recipient of many awards and fellowships during his academic and professional carrier. Prof. Sen developed two models i.e. Multi Objective Programming which is popularly known as Sen“s MOP) and Multi Property Optimization index (MPOI), which has been used successfully for selecting an appropriate method for reclaiming sodic soils. He also participated more 26 seminars and conferences and delivered lectures relevant to agricultural economics across the world. Dr. Lokesh Kumar Meena is working as an Assistant Professorcum Junior Scientist, Department of Agricultural Economics, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour since Nov. 2014. He received his B.Sc. (Ag) from Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth (PDKV) Akola, Maharashtra and M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics) from Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh and Ph.D. (Agricultural Economics) from Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi Uttar Pradesh. He authored one book and more than 50 other publications including research articles, review papers, book chapters and popular articles. He is the recipient of many awards and fellowships including Outstanding Scientist in Agriculture (2016), Wurtz Research Award2015 (Agricultural Economics), National Talent Scholarship, Rajeev Gandhi National Fellowship, UGC Research Fellowship (BHU) and ICAR Senior Research Fellowship and also qualified many times National Eligibility Test of ICAR, New Delhi. He is life time member of Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing, Hyderabad. Presently, Dr. Meena is engaged in teaching, research and extension activities at Bihar Agricultural College, Sabour and also handling two research projects of state government running in the jurisdiction of university. He also participated and delivered lectures/papers in more than 25 seminars/conferences, workshops, and training programmes and also delivered three Radio talks as resource person for farming community. Dr. Meera Kumari working as an Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor at Department of Agricultural Economics, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour since 2007. She authored more than 20 publications including 12 peerreviewed research and review articles, 04 book chapters and 04 popular articles in different national and international journals, books and magazines respectively. Presently, Dr. Meera engaged in teaching, research and extension activities at Bihar Agricultural College, Sabour and completed three (03) research projects and handling two state government projects running in the jurisdiction of university. She has nine year experience of teaching, research and extension activities and also has experience of supervising M.Sc. student at BAU Sabour. She also participated and delivered lectures in more than 15 seminars/conferences, workshops, and training programmes and also delivered three Radio talks as resource person.

2 Ebooks von Shoji Lal Bairwa

Shoji Lal Bairwa & Dr Chandra Sen: Agribusiness Management (Theory And Practices)
Agribusiness becomes a most important sector of developing countries due global opportunities of trade. New markets, high yielding inputs and new technologies are hitting agriculture every day and th …
Shoji Lal Bairwa & Saket Kushwaha: Marketing of Agricultural Commodities in India
The present book Marketing of Agricultural Commodities in India is prepared in planned and systematic manner by the help of different resource persons (authors) and sources of knowledge including jou …