Otro SoporteCatalogCienciaTécnicaGeneral, DiccionariosIngeniería mecánica, Ingeniería de producciónIngeniería de calor, Ingeniería de energíaElectrónica, Ingeniería eléctrica, TelecomunicacionesIngeniería de la construcción, Ingeniería ambientalIngeniería aeronáutica, tecnología espacialIngeniería químicaOtro3.570 Ebooks en esta categoría Juan Zhang: Digital Signal Processing (DSP) The processing of signals or data is one of the cores of the information chain from production to application. More and more signals should be processed digitally in the big data era. Rapid and massi … PDF Adobe DRM €205.00 Calvin S Kalman: How Did We All Begin This new and insightful book promotes a better understanding of how each person, and God, fit into a vast universe composed of billions of galaxies. The book explains that the universe follows very c … PDF Adobe DRM €88.80 Brandon Carmichael & Jason Lornel: U.S. Navy Shipbuilding Plans This book provides background information and presents potential issues for Congress concerning the Navy’s ship force-structure goals and shipbuilding plans. The planned size of the Navy, the rate of … PDF Adobe DRM €89.70 Yadong Jiang & Wen Wen: Recent Advances in Flexible Organic Light-Emitting Devices White organic light-emitting devices (WOLED’s) are of considerable interest owing to their attractive characteristics and potential application to flat panel display and solid-state lighting source. … PDF Adobe DRM €76.11 Arpad Maviglia & Jose Vedhara: Improving Adaptability of U.S. Military Forces This book provides important recommendations for how the Department of Defense can better face the rapidly changing security environment of the 21st century by increasing its adaptability. The study … PDF Adobe DRM €365.51 Donald Claus: Photonic Crystals Photonic crystals are periodically structured electromagnetic media, possessing photonic band gaps, ie., ranges of frequency in which light cannot propagate through the structure. In this publication … PDF Adobe DRM €153.90 William T Arkin: Advances in Laser and Optics Research, Volume 4 More than 20 years ago, world-wide optical communications was not possible; critical pieces of technology in both computing and communication were just emerging. The new communication technology has … PDF Adobe DRM €360.06 John P Ramos: Space Policy and its Ramifications For the past several years, the priorities of NASA have been governed by the Vision for Space Exploration. The Vision was announced by President Bush in January 2004 and endorsed by Congress in the 2 … PDF Adobe DRM €315.31 Javier Baron & Raul Lajara: Encyclopedia of Space Science Research (3 Volume Set) This book presents current research in the field of space science. Topics discussed in this compilation include supernovae as probes for dark energy; structure and transport of the Martian surface ma … PDF Adobe DRM €706.15 Marc Farrow: Noise Reduction In Noise Reduction: Methods, Applications and Technology, the authors open with an overview of image denoising approaches. The review covers additive and multiplicative noise reduction methods in the … PDF Adobe DRM €167.69 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×