Sujetos clínicos SoporteCatalogCienciaMedicinaGeneralSujetos no clínicosSujetos clínicosCuidadoProfesiones médicasMedicina holísticaOdontologíaMedicina veterinariaFarmacia46.355 Ebooks en esta categoría Bjoern Schumacher: Secret of Aging How can we turn back the clock? Health food, gyms and cosmeticcompanies promise us everlasting youth, but the effects ofaging are caused by complex biological processes that have onlybeen brought to … EPUB Adobe DRM €41.71 Pierantonio Laveneziana & J. Alberto Neder: Clinical Exercise Testing In the last 10 years, the use of clinical exercise testing in respiratory medicine has grown significantly and, if used in the appropriate context, it has been demonstrated to provide clinically usef … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.50 Christian B Laursen & Najib M Rahman: Thoracic Ultrasound Thoracic ultrasound is now considered an essential bedside tool in respiratory medicine. Despite this, several aspects are yet to be studied and assessed, and international consensus remains limited. … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.50 Matthew Hanks: SBAs, EMQs & SAQs in SURGERY SBAs, EMQs & SAQs in SURGERY provides a broad range and style of questions, not only for medical students preparing for their final exams, but also for those clinicians preparing for their postgradua … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.41 Daniela Gompelmann & Felix J.F Herth: Interventional Pulmonology The field of acute exacerbations in chronic respiratory disease is challenging: definitions of acute exacerbations differ amongst the diseases and their severity has proven difficult to define. The G … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.50 Dafydd Thomas: All Blood Counts This book gathers together the collected wisdom of an experienced group of practitioners from the world of blood conservation including surgeons, anaesthetists, haematologists, transfusion specialist … EPUB Adobe DRM €46.22 Konrad E Bloch & Thomas Brack: ERS Handbook Self-Assessment in Respiratory Medicine is an invaluable tool for any practitioner wishing to test and improve their knowledge of adult respiratory medicine. The updated, second edition includes 261 … EPUB Adobe DRM €77.39 Alexandre Demoule & Leo Heunks: Pulmonary Emergencies This Monograph provides a comprehensive overview of pulmonary emergencies, from pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, right heart failure and haematothorax to acute exacerbations of diseases such as asth … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.50 Susan Watkinson: Older People with Visual Impairment – Clinical Management and Care In the context of an ageing population, visual impairment is having an increasing social and economic impact. This timely book will enable healthcare professionals in a diverse range of settings to e … EPUB Adobe DRM €16.71 Deborah Duncan: Respiratory Care More than 30% of patients who visit a doctor each year have respiratory complaints. These can range from minor infections (such as the common cold) to chronic obstructive conditions (such as asthma). … EPUB Adobe DRM €30.94 siguiente página >>> 0 0 Caja 0,00 × × × Cambiar idioma de usuario × ÁrabeAlemánInglésEspañolFrancésHindúIndonesioItalianoMalayoHolandésPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSuecoTailandésTurcoUcranioVietnamitaChinoInternational Modal ×