This is the third book in a series on Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering. The purpose of this volume is to bring together the scientific communities of Computational Mechanics and Structural Dynamics, offering a wide coverage of timely issues on contemporary Earthquake Engineering.
This volume will facilitate the exchange of ideas in topics of mutual interest and can serve as a platform for establishing links between research groups with complementary activities. The computational aspects are emphasized in order to address difficult engineering problems of great social and economic importance.
Tabla de materias
Preface.- 1. Numerical Modeling Aspects of Buried Pipeline – Fault Crossing, by Vasileios E. Melissianos and Charis J. Gantes.- 2. Determination of the parameters of the directivity pulse embedded in near-fault ground motions and its effect on structural response, by Petros Mimoglou, Ioannis N. Psycharis and Ioannis M. Taflampas.- 3. Numerical Simulation of Liquid Sloshing in Tanks, by Zuhal Ozdemir, Yasin M. Fahjan and Mhamed Souli.- 4. Seismic Analysis of Structural Systems Subjected to Fully Non-Stationary Artificial Accelerograms, by Giuseppe Muscolino and Tiziana Alderucci.- 5. Elastic and Inelastic Analyses of Frames with a Force-based Higher-order 3D Beam Element Accounting for Axial-flexural-shear-torsional Interaction, by João P. Almeida, António A. Correia, and Rui Pinho.- 6. Improved Method for the Calculation of Plastic Rotation of Moment-Resisting Framed Structures for Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Analysis, by Kevin K.F. Wong and Matthew S. Speicher.- 7. Seismic demandon acceleration-sensitive nonstructural components, by Gennaro Magliulo, Crescenzo Petrone and Gaetano Manfredi.- 8. Design of RC Sections with Single Reinforcement according to EC2-1-1 and the Rectangular Stress Distribution, by Vagelis Plevris and George Papazafeiropoulos.- 9. Multi-Storey Structures with Seismic Isolation at Storey-levels, by Marios C. Phocas and George Pamboris.- 10. Integration step size and its adequate selection in analysis of structural systems against earthquakes, by Aram Soroushian.- 11. Seismic fragility analysis of faulty smart structures, by Yeesock Kim and Jong-Wha Bai.- 12. Actuating connections for substrusture damage identification and health monitoring, by Stavros Chatzieleftheriou and Nikos D. Lagaros.- 13. Fuzzy Neural Network Based Response of Uncertain System Subject to Earthquake Motions, by S. Chakraverty and Deepti Moyi Sahoo.- 14. Smart control of seismically excited highway bridges, by Yeesock Kim and Aniket Anil Mahajan.- 15. A Real-Time Emergency Inspection Scheduling Tool Following a Seismic Event, by Nikos Ath. Kallioras and Nikos D. Lagaros.