Multiple attribute decision making (MADM) procedures, a process for making preference decisions over the available alternatives which are characterized by multiple (usually conflicting) attributes are useful for improving decision making in a wide range of circumstances–from professional to managerial to political. Using real-world case examples, the authors introduce the reader to normative (for optimal decisions) MADM models. Beginning in chapter 2 with and introductions to the various attributes in a decision, the authors explore how MADM methods can be used for descriptive purposes to model the existing decision-making process, noncompensatory and scoring methods, accommodation of soft data, construction of a multiple decision support system, and the validity of methods. The authors also include a presentation of the advanced procedures of TOPSIS and ELECTRE. This manual offers social scientists an encapsulated view of MADM methods, their characteristics, applicability, and the methods for solving MADM problems.
Attribute Generation, Data and Weight
Noncompensatory Methods
Scoring Methods
Methods for Qualitative Data
लेखक के बारे में
Dr Yoon received his Ph.D. degree from Kansas State University. He has taught courses on Quantitative Analysis, Operations Management, Quality Management, and Statistics. His research areas include Strategic Decision Analysis, Quality Management (Six Sigma), and Fuzzy Set Applications on Operations Management. Recently, he is working on user friendly translation of statistical principles.
Dr Yoon has published 30+ scholarly journal publications and three books, including the prestigious Sage Quantitative Applications in Social Sciences Series #104: Multiple Attribute Decision Making.
Dr Yoon spent one year as Visiting Research Associate Professor at Kansas State University. He has been a consultant to HTX International, HESI , PSE&G and many more. He is a column writer for a daily Korean newspaper in NYC.