लेखक: Tim Pfefferle


22 द्वारा ईबुक Tim Pfefferle

Tim Pfefferle: The Origins of the First World War
Literature Review from the year 2011 in the subject Politics – Topic: History of Inernational Relations, grade: 75, Queen Mary University of London (Department of Politics and International Relations …
Tim Pfefferle: Socialism and its Defining Elements
Essay from the year 2012 in the subject Politics – Basics and General, grade: 74, Queen Mary University of London (Department of Politics and International Relations), course: Introduction to Interna …
Tim Pfefferle: The Declining Power of Organized Labor in Britain Since the 1970s – Power in Britain
Essay aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Politik – Thema: Europäische Union, , Veranstaltung: -, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Since the late 1970s, trade unions in Britain have experienced a significant …
Tim Pfefferle: Do the People Truly Rule in a Representative Democracy?
Essay from the year 2012 in the subject Politics – Political Theory and the History of Ideas Journal, grade: 76, Queen Mary University of London (Department of Politics and International Relations), …
Tim Pfefferle: Obstruction or Facilitation?
Essay from the year 2012 in the subject Politics – Region: Near East, Near Orient, grade: 73, Queen Mary University of London (Department of Politics and International Relations), language: English, …
Tim Pfefferle: Iran, the United States and the CIA
Essay from the year 2012 in the subject Politics – Region: Near East, Near Orient, grade: none , University of Miami (Department of Political Science), course: The United States and the Middle East, …
Tim Pfefferle: The United States and Saudi Arabia – Explaining the Strange Relationship after the End of the Cold War
Essay from the year 2012 in the subject Politics – Region: Near East, Near Orient, grade: A, University of Miami (Department of Political Science), course: The United States and the Middle East, lang …
Tim Pfefferle: The United States and the Congo Crisis, 1960 – 1961
Scientific Essay from the year 2012 in the subject Politics – Region: Africa, grade: A, University of Miami (Department of International Studies), course: American Imperialism, language: English, abs …
Tim Pfefferle: Copenhagen in Kenya: Explaining the 2007 General Election Violence
Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2013 in the subject Politics – Topic: Peace and Conflict, Security, grade: A+, University of Miami (Department of International Studies), course: Conflict …
Tim Pfefferle: Lumumba’s Independence Speech. Marking the Transition Towards a Free Africa
Exegesis from the year 2013 in the subject Politics – Region: Africa, grade: A, University of Miami (Department of Political Science), course: Conflict in the Middle East and Africa, language: Englis …
Tim Pfefferle: Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change
Seminar paper from the year 2013 in the subject Politics – Topic: Development Politics, grade: A-, University of Miami (Department of International Studies), course: The Role of Foreign Aid in Develo …
Tim Pfefferle: Power and the Xingú: Policy Proposals on the Construction of the Belo Monte Dam
Seminar paper from the year 2012 in the subject Politics – Region: Middle and South America, grade: A, University of Miami (Department of International Studies), course: Latin American Democratizatio …
Tim Pfefferle: How Much Power Does the British Parliament Have?
Essay from the year 2013 in the subject Politics – Region: Western Europe, grade: 66, Queen Mary University of London (School of Politics and International Relations), course: Parliamentary Studies, …
Tim Pfefferle: The European Commission as Agent of its Pricipals or a Policy Entrepreneur
Scientific Essay from the year 2013 in the subject Politics – Topic: European Union, grade: 78, Queen Mary University of London (School of Politics and International Relations), course: European Inte …
Tim Pfefferle: The Hema-Lendu Conflict
Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2013 in the subject Politics – Region: Africa, grade: A, University of Miami (Department of Political Science), course: Conflict in the Middle East and Afr …
Tim Pfefferle: US Foreign Policy in Latin America Under the Obama Administration
Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2014 in the subject Politics – Region: Middle and South America, grade: 65, Queen Mary University of London (School of Politics and International Relations …
Tim Pfefferle: The Inequality of Vulnerability: Examining the Relationship between Inequality and Climate Change Vulnerability
Bachelor Thesis from the year 2014 in the subject Politics – Environmental Policy, grade: 72, Queen Mary University of London (School of Politics and International Relations), language: English, abst …
Tim Pfefferle: In what ways was the Cuban Missile Crisis a political crisis, a diplomatic crisis, and/or a military crisis?
Essay from the year 2015 in the subject Politics – General and Theories of International Politics, grade: 65, Oxford University (Department of International Development), language: English, abstract: …
Tim Pfefferle: Is global governance through networks transparent, accountable and democratic?
Essay from the year 2015 in the subject Politics – General and Theories of International Politics, grade: 70, Oxford University (Department of International Development), language: English, abstract: …
Tim Pfefferle: Resource Endowments and Underdevelopment. Is the Resource Curse Theory Convincing?
Essay from the year 2016 in the subject Economics – Economic Cycle and Growth, grade: 70, Oxford University (Department of International Development), language: English, abstract: Given the recent at …
Tim Pfefferle: Is Dependency Theory Dead?
Essay from the year 2016 in the subject Sociology – Methodology and Methods, grade: 72, Oxford University (Department of International Development), language: English, abstract: This essay outlines t …
Tim Pfefferle: Can We Transition Away From Industrialism? Prospects for Sustainability
Essay from the year 2016 in the subject Environmental Sciences, grade: 72, Oxford University (Department of International Development), language: English, abstract: This essay will argue that, in pri …