Teknik / Teknik DukungCatalogSainsUmumMatematikaIlmu KomputerFisika / AstronomiKimiaIlmu GeoBiologiTeknik / TeknikTenaga MedisJenderal, EnsiklopediaGenetika, Rekayasa GenetikaRekayasa Termal, Rekayasa TenagaElektronik, Teknik ListrikTeknologi Konstruksi, Teknologi LingkunganTeknik Penerbangan, Mesin DirgantaraTeknik KimiaLain-lain99,496 Ebooks dalam kategori ini Professor Ian Inkster: History of Technology Volume 24 The technical problems confronting different societies in different periods and the measures taken to solve them form the concern of this annual collection of essays. Dealing with the history of tech … EPUB Adobe DRM €219.31 UniversityofDelawa: Delaware Composites Design Encyclopedia First published in 1990. CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis. … EPUB Adobe DRM €89.86 Robert L. Helmreich & Ashleigh C. Merritt: Culture at Work in Aviation and Medicine Published in 1998, culture forms a complex framework of national, organizational, and professional attitudes and values within which groups and individuals function. The reality and strength of cultu … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.18 Steven Lepi: Practical Guide to Finite Elements Assuming only basic knowledge of mathematics and engineering mechanics, this lucid reference introduces the fundamentals of finite element theory using easy-to-understand terms and simple problems-sy … EPUB Adobe DRM €154.23 E. S. Oxner: Fet Technology and Application This book provides the reader with some insights into the many styles of field effect transistors (FETs) being used. It offers a rudimentary understanding of their operation and performance. The book … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.44 Avraham Harnoy: Bearing Design in Machinery Covering the fundamental principles of bearing selection, design, and tribology, this book discusses basic physical principles of bearing selection, lubrication, design computations, advanced bearing … EPUB Adobe DRM €359.10 Tertulien Ndjountche: CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits High-speed, power-efficient analog integrated circuits can be used as standalone devices or to interface modern digital signal processors and micro-controllers in various applications, including mult … EPUB Adobe DRM €102.59 Bella H. Chudnovsky: Lubrication of Electrical and Mechanical Components in Electric Power Equipment Lubrication of Electrical and Mechanical Components in Electric Power Equipment presents an analysis of multiple applications of lubricants in the power industry for both electrical and mechanical pa … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.59 Ph.D. Munson: Software Engineering Measurement The product of many years of practical experience and research in the software measurement business, this technical reference helps you select what metrics to collect, how to convert measurement data … EPUB Adobe DRM €73.34 Joanne K. Price: Basic Math Concepts FROM THE PREFACE In the years since the first edition, I have continued to consider ways in which the texts could be improved. In this regard, I researched several topics including how people learn ( … EPUB Adobe DRM €109.36 Halaman selanjutnya >>> 0 0 Periksa 0,00 × × × Ubah bahasa pengguna × ArabJermanInggrisSpanyolPerancisHindiIndonesiaItaliaMelayuBelandaPolandiaPortugisRumaniaRusiaSwediaThaiTurkiUkrainaVietnamCinaInternational Modal ×