Autore: Lynn Chancer

George Cavalletto, City University of New York, USA Nancy Chodorow, Webster University, USA Thomas De Gloma, City University of New York, USA Anthony Elliott, University of South Australia Tony Jefferson, Keele University, UK Philip Manning, Cleveland State University, USA Neil Mc Laughlin, Mc Masters University, Canada Siamak Movahedi, University of Massachusetts, USA Jeffrey Prager, University of California, Los Angeles, USA Catherine B. Silver, City University of New York, USA Vikash Singh, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA Neil J. Smelser, University of California, USA Arlene Stein, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA George Steinmetz, University of Michigan, USA Ilgin Yorukoglu, Fordham University, USA Gilda Zwerman Sate University of New York at Old Westbury, USA

1 Ebook di Lynn Chancer

Lynn Chancer & John Andrews: The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis
A collection of 18 contributions by well-known scholars in and outside the US, The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis shows how sociology has much to gain from incorporating rather than …