Brenda Zyburt uncovers astounding secrets and information that has been suppressed and kept from the public. Read about the agenda to cull the people, the poisoning of our air with the chemtrails, and the microchipping of people without their approval. She also explores the manipulation of energy with the HAARP technology and the toxic chemicals we drink called water, as well as how our food is being poisoned so we cannot reproduce. Humanity needs to understand what is happening to the Earth through Spirit’s voice and listen to the new energies entering the Earth to reverse the dark, dense energy destroying where we live and to create the new as Earth is meant to be: paradise.
Brenda writes about the journey of the soul, one of the hardest aspects the soul is required to complete. We have to reflect on all our actions, thoughts, and energies, as well as our past lives. We have to go deeper than we ever thought possible. It takes years of self-discipline with a hunger for truth and knowledge. This truth and knowledge are only learned with the Omni Presence. You must learn to love yourself and not judge another’s journey or path, as we all make our own choices. There are 170 colored pictures of Spirit and Brenda’s guides in this book to help humanity understand what they cannot see. This book is full of channeled messages from the Omni Presence. Read what they have to say; understand the truth to our healing as the human race.
Brenda shows you that the true way to wake up is to see what is taking place in humanity, as that is lifting the veil. The Journey of the Soul offers life-changing and reality-changing information that, if acted upon, can set us free.
Visit Brenda online at www.Brenda
Over de auteur
I was born on August 12, and I have a Team of 11 energetic beings, as I am the twelfth. One of my guides is always present in every picture a large purple orb with a green dot. I work with the Omni Presence to reconnect humanity to your true spiritual presence, One with All.
I AM a Spiritual Energetic Being who travels with Love, I AM on Earth having an experience to bring people into Consciousness and out of the false reality of enslavement, false illusion, and mind control and to heal Mother Earth. To bring you into the 5th dimension.
Currently I live in Phoenix Arizona with my three children and three grand children, and my loving dogs. I have a Masters of Science in Global Business Management, a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and work full time. I have traveled the world and channel with the Cosmos everyday. I love you all Many Blessings. Brenda