Anthologies OndersteuningCatalogFictieVerhalende literatuurvóór 1945na 1945Historische romans, korte verhalenSprookjes, mythen, legendesAnthologiesNieuwe biografieënBrief, dagboekenEssays, Feuilleton, Literaire kritiekAphorisms6.099 E-boeken in deze categorie Yi Shun Lai & Mare Heron Hake: Tahoma Literary Review The Fall/Winter Issue of Tahoma Literary Review is a perfect read for cold nights. This issue features thirty selections of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry that you’ll love and love to share. Ou … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €3.99 Matthew Dentice & Aly Gerdes: Mythology Authors in this book – Libby Strain-Thomas Babette Kraft Torrey Malek Duane Horton Deirdre Maher Patrick Riley M.K.Davis Madeline Kramer Raymond Sanchez Reese Bentzinger roberttaylor … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €10.99 Verandah Journal: Verandah 38 The tapestry of Verandah’s 38th volume is woven with inner thoughts that extend outwards to our indelible connection to the people, an … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €8.49 Josh Pachter & Barb Goffman: (I Just) Died in Your Arms Hitting the charts only once isn’t just unfortunate…it’s a crime. Over the decades, tons of musical artists and groups have had a hit song that has lived on long after the tune topped the charts an … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €4.49 Charles A. Johanningsmeier & Jessica E. McCarthy: Reimagining Realism This innovative collection reinvents the standard American short fiction anthology and offers readers an invigorated, inclusive, and nuanced understanding of American literary history and culture fro … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €45.99 Mark Tochen & Gavin Boyter: What A Mistake Authors – Emilie Kelly Mark Tochen Saila Kariat Patrick Mathiasen Cerys Harrison Samuel Armen Delores Quagliata Madison Ord Gavin Boyter Xavier Wherley Victor Bondar … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €12.99 Kingsley Munroe: Peas Soup for Rainy Days The core purpose of this book is to inspire and motivate people to achieve fulfillment in their lives through a message of faith, hope, love, and inspiration. It was written to help people achieve ha … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €3.99 Cayce Berryman & Crystal M M Burton: Ink Dreams Dreams are mysterious creatures. Follow them through the pages of this book as you rediscover confidence in your abilities, pick up the pieces when things fall apart, and bring your fears to life wit … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €3.99 Jonathan Maberry & Jeff Strand: Blood Games Do you care to gamble… With your life? An aging cage fighter meets an unfortunate fate and is offered the opportunity of a lifetime by a mysterious Russian Fan… A Countess and her lover’s game te … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €4.49 Eirik Gumeny: Open All Night The witching hour. The graveyard shift. Whether it’s ghosts and gremlins or simply folks with nowhere else to go, the middle of the night has never been for the faint of heart. But what happens when … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €8.49 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×