volwasseneneducatie OndersteuningCatalogMenswetenschappenOnderwijsAlgemeen, EncyclopedieënOnderwijsKleuterschool en voorschoolse educatieSchoolpedagogiek, Didactiek, MethodologieLagere schoolSecundaire I, IIvolwasseneneducatieSociaal onderwijs, sociaal werkSpeciaal onderwijs4.098 E-boeken in deze categorie Breno B. Silva: Writing to Learn Academic Words This book highlights the importance of English academic vocabulary for success at university and explores written tasks as effective pedagogical tools to promote the acquisition of academic words. Th … PDF Engels €96.29 Carina Ascherl: Exploring Desirable Futures for L1 Education and Teachers’ Literacies in a Digital Age Rapidly evolving digital technologies are reciprocally linked to the way people think, learn, generate knowledge, create, communicate, and collaborate in the digital age. These media-communicative an … PDF Engels €53.49 Neil B. Niman & Jennifer R. Chagnon: The Work-Ready Graduate This book examines the tide of change facing higher education as it grapples with providing a more relevant and demonstrated value for its graduates entering the workplace. Based on their experience … PDF Engels €149.79 Xiaozhou Xu: Comparative Entrepreneurship Education This book systematically compares the innovation and entrepreneurship education (IEE) in the United States, the United Kingdom, Finland, Germany, Croatia, Canada, South Korea, and China. The boo … PDF Engels €149.79 Maria Lapina & G. S. Prakasha: International Conference on Innovative Approaches to the Application of Digital Technologies in Education and Research This book is based on the best papers accepted for presentation during the SLET-2022: International Conference on Innovative Approaches to the Application of Digital Technologies in Education and Res … PDF Engels €181.89 Astha Saxena: Ethics in Science The book approaches the subject of ethics in science from a pedagogical and pragmatic viewpoint and addresses the need to effectively deal with these issues in science classrooms at the K-12 and unde … PDF Engels €96.29 Malcolm Noble & Cilla Ross: Reclaiming the University for the Public Good This book asks how we can reclaim the university for the public good. The editors and contributors argue that the sector is in crisis, accelerated by the passing of the UK Higher Education Research A … PDF Engels €139.09 Carita Harrell & David G. Capco: The STEM Pathway and Student Retention This work introduces methods that aid in freshman retention (in the transition from high school and to remain in the university of origin) and orient them towards a successful career in science. Spec … PDF Engels €149.79 Iztok Devetak & Saša Aleksij Glažar: Applying Bio-Measurements Methodologies in Science Education Research This book illustrates the problems of using eye tracking technology and other bio-measurements in science education research. It examines the application of bio-measurements in researching cognitive … PDF Engels €96.29 Betsy Ng: Higher Education and Job Employability This book presents the most comprehensive discussion of emerging trends in higher education in the Asia Pacific, ranging from graduate attributes to integrated workplace learning, with an in-depth fo … PDF Engels €139.09 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×