The main author, Manuel E. Pardo Echarte, has more than 40 years of experience in scientific research. He graduated with a degree in Geophysical Engineering from José Antonio Echeverría Polytechnic University, Cujae, La Habana, Cuba, in 1974 and obtained a Ph.D. in Mineralogical Geology at the same university in 1987. He is currently a titular professor there. He has a wide range of publications, including monographs: “Unconventional Methods for Oil & Gas Exploration in Cuba: The Redox Complex” (Springer, 2016) and “Oil and Gas Exploration in Cuba: Geological-Structural Cartography using Potential Fields and Airborne Gamma Spectrometry” (Springer, 2017). In addition, he holds a patent for a “Method of Redox Potential Measurement in Soils and Its Combined Application with Kappametry for the Purposes of Geological Prospecting” (2000).
3 Ebooks by Osvaldo Rodríguez Morán
Manuel Enrique Pardo Echarte & Osvaldo Rodríguez Morán: Non-seismic and Non-conventional Exploration Methods for Oil and Gas in Cuba
This book assesses the use of various non-seismic and non-conventional oil and gas exploration methods in Cuba. In addition to discussing the benefits of these methods, the book demonstrates how they …
Manuel E. Pardo Echarte & Osvaldo Rodríguez Morán: Unconventional Methods for Oil & Gas Exploration in Cuba
This book studies the “Redox Complex”, a complex of unconventional geophysical-geochemical exploration techniques used for the indirect detection, characterization and evaluation of various metal tar …
Manuel Enrique Pardo Echarte & Osvaldo Rodríguez Morán: Geological-Structural Mapping and Favorable Sectors for Oil and Gas in Cuba
The so-called ‘Non-conventional geophysical-geochemical exploration methods’ are used, in the particular case of oil and gas exploration, for the detection and mapping of active microseepage of light …