Engenharia Mecânica, Engenharia de Produção ApoioCatalogCiênciaTécnicaGeral, DicionáriosEngenharia Mecânica, Engenharia de ProduçãoEngenharia de Calor, Engenharia de EnergiaEletrônica, Engenharia Elétrica, TelecomunicaçõesEngenharia de Construção, Engenharia AmbientalEngenharia Aeronáutica, Tecnologia EspacialEngenharia QuímicaOutro16.486 Ebooks nesta categoria F. Hall: Building Services and Equipment Services and equipment in complex modern buildings account for over one-third of the total cost. Therefore study of services and equipment is essential for technicians in construction, surveying and … EPUB Adobe DRM €83.22 Roger (Construction Consultant, UK) Greeno: Building Services, Technology and Design Building Services, Technology and Design provides a concise guide to the installation and design of principal services in domestic and commercial buildings. It covers the level 2 module of The CIOB” … EPUB Adobe DRM €92.24 Antonio Miravete & J. N. Reddy: Practical Analysis of Composite Laminates Composite materials are increasingly used in aerospace, underwater, and automotive structures. They provide unique advantages over their metallic counterparts, but also create complex challenges to a … EPUB Adobe DRM €230.49 Konstantinos Braimakis & Sotirios Karellas: Solar Cooling Technologies Solar Cooling Technologies presents a detailed study of the potential technologies for coupling solar energy and cooling systems. Unifies all the various power based solar techniques into one book, i … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.69 Mohsen Sheikholeslami: Applications of Nanofluid Transportation and Heat Transfer Simulation EPUB Adobe DRM €315.35 Farshad (Jackson State University, MS, U.S.A.) Amini & Bora (Michigan State University, U.S.A.) Cetin: Hydraulics of Levee Overtopping Earthen levees are extensively used to protect the population and infrastructure from periodic floods and high water due to storm surges. The causes of failure of levees include overtopping, surface … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.25 Suong V. Hoa: Fourth Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites While this proceedings volume deals primarily with the conventional areas of metal, ceramic, and polymer composites for civil construction, several of the papers report on new developments in the eme … EPUB Adobe DRM €173.33 Julio Florez-Lopez & Maria Eugenia Marante: Fracture and Damage Mechanics for Structural Engineering of Frames: State-of-the-Art Industrial Applications EPUB Adobe DRM €290.02 W. L. Robertson: Lubrication in Practice This book summarizes basic lubrication theory, its types and properties, and covers some specific applications of lubrication: diesel and petrol engines, hydraulics, compressors, machine tools and cu … EPUB Adobe DRM €73.71 Mangey (Graphic Era University, Uttarakhand) Ram & Ilia Vonta: Reliability Engineering Reliability theory is a multidisciplinary science aimed at developing complex systems that are resistant to failures. Reliability engineering has emerged as a main field not only for scientists and r … EPUB Adobe DRM €58.86 Próxima página >>> 0 0 Confira 0,00 × × × Alterar idioma do usuário × ÁrabeAlemãoInglêsEspanholFrancêsHindiIndonésioItalianoMalaioHolandêsPolonêsPortuguêsRomenoRussoSuecoTailandêsTurcoUcranianoVietnamitaChinêsInternational Modal ×