Paul Copan is the Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University. He is author of Is God a Moral Monster? and coauthor of Creation Out of Nothing.
3 Ebooks de Robertson McQuilkin
Robertson McQuilkin & Paul Copan: An Introduction to Biblical Ethics
What should we do or not do? What attitudes, behavior and qualities are good? Can we be good without God? What is the highest good, the purpose of human existence? These are the questions the study o …
Robertson McQuilkin: Understanding and Applying the Bible
Why do even the sincerest students of God’s Word sometimes find it dry or confusing? Too often, Robertson Mc Quilkin suggest, it’s because they don’t know how to read it.In his classic introduction t …
Jr. Crawford W. Loritts: Make It Home Before Dark
God calls us to live lives of holiness. But that is impossible without a close walk with Christ. That walk must begin with repentance; it is crucial to living biblical, practical holiness everyday. C …