Paola Gattinoni is Assistant Professor of Applied Geology for the Politecnico di Milano. She teaches geologic-technical survey and hydrogeology and she is the author of more than 60 papers concerning water flow in fractured rocks; interactions between fluvial dynamics and slope stability, landslides and groundwater modelling; statistical analysis application in geological and hydrogeological fields, and geological and hydrogeological risk assessment.
Enrico Maria Pizzarotti is a civil engineer who graduated from Politecnico di Milano. He has been working as a designer and consultant in tunneling, underground and geotechnical works, and hydroelectric power plants for more than 25 years. He is now Senior Partner and Technical Director of Pro Iter S.r.l. (an engineering company in Milan). He is the author of more than 30 technical papers concerning underground excavation, deep foundations, slope stabilization, ground improvement technologies and rock mechanics.
Laura Scesi is Professor of Applied Geology at the Politecnico di Milano (School of Civil and Environmental Engineering). She teaches engineering geology and geological-technical survey. Over the years she has conducted extensive research especially on underground excavations connected with geological and hydrogeological problems; landslides and risk analysis; and hydraulic circulation in rocks for the prediction of water inflows in tunnels. She has published more than 80 scientific works and books.
7 Электронные книги Enrico Maria Pizzarotti
Paola Gattinoni & Enrico Maria Pizzarotti: Engineering Geology for Underground Works
The construction of tunnels involves the resolution of various complex technical problems depending on the geological and geological-environmental context in which the work fits. Only a careful analy …
Emilio Bilotta & Renato Casale: Handbook on Tunnels and Underground Works
The book provides a new, global, updated, thorough, clear and practical risk-based approach to tunnelling design and construction methods, and discusses detailed examples of solutions applied to rele …
Emilio Bilotta & Renato Casale: Handbook on Tunnels and Underground Works
The book provides a new, global, updated, thorough, clear and practical risk-based approach to tunnelling design and construction methods, and discusses detailed examples of solutions applied to rele …
Emilio Bilotta & Renato Casale: Handbook on Tunnels and Underground Works
This book set provides a new, global, updated, thorough, clear, and practical risk-based approach to tunnelling design and construction methods, and discusses detailed examples of solutions applied t …
Emilio Bilotta & Renato Casale: Handbook on Tunnels and Underground Works
This book set provides a new, global, updated, thorough, clear, and practical risk-based approach to tunnelling design and construction methods, and discusses detailed examples of solutions applied t …
Emilio Bilotta & Renato Casale: Handbook on Tunnels and Underground Works
This book set provides a new, global, updated, thorough, clear, and practical risk-based approach to tunnelling design and construction methods, and discusses detailed examples of solutions applied t …
Emilio Bilotta & Renato Casale: Handbook on Tunnels and Underground Works
This book set provides a new, global, updated, thorough, clear, and practical risk-based approach to tunnelling design and construction methods, and discusses detailed examples of solutions applied t …