Anime and Philosophy focuses on some of the most-loved, most-intriguing anime films and series, as well as lesser-known works, to find what lies at their core. Astro Boy, Dragon Ball Z, Ghost in the Shell, and Spirited Away are just a few of the films analyzed in this book. In these stories about monsters, robots, children, and spirits who grapple with the important questions in life we find insight crucial to our times: lessons on morality, justice, and heroism, as well as meditations on identity, the soul, and the meaning or meaninglessness of life. Anime has become a worldwide phenomenon, reaching across genres, mediums, and cultures. For those wondering why so many people love anime or for die-hard fans who want to know more, Anime and Philosophy provides a deeper appreciation of the art and storytelling of this distinctive Japanese culture.
Об авторе
Josef Steiff is the Associate Chair, Film & Video Department, Columbia College, where he teaches courses in science fiction and anime among other topics. He is the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Filmmaking.Tristan Tamplin has a Ph.D. in philosophy and is the principal designer at Verso Design Corporation.