Allmänna referenser StödE-bokFacklitteraturKonst / litteraturBiografier, självbiografierAllmänna referenserBild och formFotokonstArchitectureAllmän litteraturSpråk allmäntÖvrigt448 E-böcker i denna kategori Jeannie Brendler: A Journey in Nature This book takes a unique approach to exploring the joys of nature by combining beautiful floral paintings with pen and ink animal drawings. Companion passages to these works may be found throughout t … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €4.49 John A Parks: Universal Principles of Art A follow-up to Rockport Publishers’ best-selling Universal Principles of Design, a new volume will present one hundred principles, fundamental ideas and approaches to making art, that will guide, cha … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €35.99 Ashley Mahlberg: Creative Alcohol Inks Pour and paint your way to stunning fluid effects. In Creative Alcohol Inks, artist and Instagrammer Ashley Mahlberg of @inkreel shares step-by-step techniques for creating spontaneous, organic effec … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €26.99 Irwin Touster: After the Victorians The Victorians were the real storytellers. This for me is what this book is about, not their paintings. I do not respond to the paintings of the time, but to the ideas of story and how to tell them. … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €4.49 Jim Harter: Hands More than just a five-digit grasping appendage, the extraordinary human hand is capable of a virtually infinite range of expression. Here are over 1, 100 images of hands, specially assembled by a not … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €12.99 Business Skills for Creative Souls Are you an artist who wants to make a living from your art? Let this book be your guide. Not sure that’s the path you want to take? Let the expert advice from our experienced artists help you make th … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €19.99 John Nieman: Art with a Story According to the popular song, Every picture tells a story. In this case, both disciplines come from the same sourcethe fertile imagination of John Nieman. The pictures are original paintings that fr … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €4.49 Pamphlet Master: Argumentative Essay This Argumentative Essay study guide is created by Pamphlet Master for students everywhere. This tool has a comprehensive variety of college and graduate school topics/subjects which can give you wha … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €2.99 Diana Newall: Art and its global histories The reader Art and its global histories represents an invaluable teaching tool, offering content ranging from academic essays and excerpts, new translations, interviews with curators and artists, to … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €27.99 Harsha V. Dehejia: Balagopalastuti About the Book The Balagopalastuti occupies an important place both in the annals of Krishna art as well as Krishna bhakti. This book brings to light both the poetry and paintings and touches … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €9.99 Nästa sida >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Ändra användarspråk × ArabiskaTyskaEngelskaSpanskaFranskaHindiIndonesiskaItalienskaMalajiskaHolländskaPutsaPortugisiskaRumänskaRyskaSvenskaThailändskaTurkiskaUkrainskavietnamesKinesiska International Modal ×