This volume contains the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC) that was held in Cusco, Peru in 2018. It disseminates recent advances in the areas related to the structural analysis of historical and archaeological constructions. The challenges faced in this field show that accuracy and robustness of results rely heavily on an interdisciplinary approach, where different areas of expertise from managers, practitioners, and scientists work together.
Bearing this in mind, SAHC 2018 stimulated discussion on the new knowledge developed in the different disciplines involved in analysis, conservation, retrofit, and management of existing constructions. This book is organized according to the following topics: assessment and intervention of archaeological heritage, history of construction and building technology, advances in inspection and NDT, innovations in field and laboratory testing applied to historical construction and heritage, new technologies and techniques, risk and vulnerability assessments of heritage for multiple types of hazards, repair, strengthening, and retrofit of historical structures, numerical modeling and structural analysis, structural health monitoring, durability and sustainability, management and conservation strategies for heritage structures, and interdisciplinary projects and case studies.
This volume holds particular interest for all the community interested in the challenging task of preserving existing constructions, enable great opportunities, and also uncover new challenges in the field of structural analysis of historical and archeological constructions.
Committees.- Preface.- Organization.- Co-sponsor.- Supporting Organizations.- Sponsors.- Keynotes.- History of construction and building technology.- New technologies and techniques.- Inspection, non-destructive and laboratory testing.- Numerical modeling and structural analysis.- Vulnerability and risk analysis regarding natural and man-made.- Seismic analysis and retrofit.- Repair and strengthening techniques.- Assessment and intervention of archaeological heritage.- Durability and sustainability.- Management of heritage structures and conservation strategies.- Structural health monitoring.- Interdisciplinary projects and case studies.- Keywords Index.- Author Index.