Teachers empower both the next generation of learners and educators. Communities value the intricate roles and responsibilities of teachers: many of whom who go beyond the tangibles to cater to the learning needs of their students. The multidimensional and multifaceted relationship between teacher-education providers and teachers is a complex one. At one end of the spectrum sits the scholarship of teaching while at the enacted zone sits standards-based praxis. Teacher education and scholarship of teaching provides the avenue to demonstrate this interaction of knowledge, pedagogy, research and broadly, scholarship. Unfortunately, there is no strong consensus about the value of pedagogical preparation for teachers. This monograph highlights the broad focus on how education draws its knowledge base from various disciplines; advancing that education itself can become a plethora for shared discourse and reflection. The chapters provide fresh demonstrated understanding into practice-enabled research directions and emphasise the position of research-based praxis in both schools and in institutions entrusted with teacher education. Importantly, the monograph demonstrates the two-way communication between the community and teacher educators about knowledge, experiences, values and diversity and to add value with the sole aim to enhance learning. It highlights education is a collective endeavour in that education and teacher education are subsets of the community, and deliberations in communities add important synergy to education’s evolution and revolution. Thus, the process of inquiry is fundamental in education, and implies transcending traditional discipline-bound knowledge and processes. This monograph provides the challenge to educators that no single or specific discipline directs educational development and enrichment, nor does the latter exclude any.
Preface: On Scholarship: Scope, Opportunities and Challenges; The Contributors; Part 1: Contributions to Excellence in Scholarship (Primers/Keynotes) 1. Creating a Tradition of Research in Education: The Marjoribanks and Smolicz Achievement; 2. Effects of Socioeconomic Status, Class Size and Ability Grouping on Science Achievement: A Sociological Approach; 3. Contributions of Family and School Capital to Student Achievement: An Examination of Marjoribanks’ Context Theory; Part 2: Multi-faith and Multi-values’ Contributions to Education; 4. A Quantum Theory Look at the Challenges for Academic Research in Education; 5. Diversify Values or Value Diversity; 6. Celebrating Multicultural Education and Promoting Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Through the Work of the Multicultural Education Committee; 7. Multifaith Chaplaincies in a Successful Pluralistic Society; Part 3: Equity and Inclusion in Education; 8. Parents’ Perceptions of Their Children’s Social Skills and Social Behaviour; 9. Post-school Pathways in Australia: Participant Characteristics; 10. An Historical Examination of a University’s Scheme to Find a ‘Fair Way’ for All Students; 11. Towards a New and Inclusive Model of Senior Secondary Education; Part 4: Value-adding Learning and Teaching; 12. Computer Simulations and Implications for Education and Society; 13. The P.E.A.C.E. Pack & S.I.T.E. Software: Interventions to Reduce Bullying in Australian Schools; 14. Promoting Science Education for All; 15. Social Change and Teacher’s Pay; Part 5: Extending Scholarship’s Arena –Opportunities for All; 16. Asia In-country Experience: Impact on Teachers; 17. Education and Culture: An Australian Coeducational Boarding School as a Crucible for a Culturally Diverse Life as Seen Through the Eyes of the Students Themselves. A Humanistic Sociological Study; 18. Rural-Urban School Partnerships and Australia’s Sustainability; Epilogue: Implications for Teacher Education and Educators.