The Essentials in Ophthalmology series represents an aged by readership acceptance of the first two series, unique updating publication on the progress in all sub- each of eight volumes. This is a success that was made specialties of ophthalmology. possible predominantly by the numerous opinion-lead- In a quarterly rhythm, eight issues are published cov- ing authors and the outstanding section editors, as well ering clinically relevant achievements in the whole field as with the constructive support of the publisher. There of ophthalmology. This timely transfer of advancements are many good reasons to continue andstill improve the for the best possible care of our eye patients has proven to dissemination of this didactic and clinically relevant be effective. The initial working hypothesis of providing information. new knowledge immediately following publication in the peer-reviewed journal and not waiting for the textbook G. K. Krieglstein appears to be highly workable. R. N. Weinreb We are now entering the third cycle of the Ess- tials in Ophthalmology series, having been encour- Series Editors Preface Our knowledge and understanding of immune-mediated the most recent research material available. The scope of diseases has increased exponentially over the past few the chapters ranges from well-recognized immune dis- years, especially in the areas of immunopathogenesis and ders such as cornea transplantation, uveitis and diabetic immunotherapeutics.
Histocompatibility Matching in Penetrating Keratoplasty.- Acute A nterior Uveitis and HLA-B27: 2 What’s New?.- What Can the Aqueous Humour Tell Us About Uveitis?.- Is Diabetic Retinopathy an Inflammatory Disease? Inflammation as a Stimulus for Vascular Leakage and Proliferati on.- Steroid Sensitivity in Uveitis.- Multiple Sclerosis and Uveitis.- Inflammation in Age-Related Macular Degeneration: What is the Evidence?.- Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Immunological Factors in the Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Consequences.- Patterns of Retinal Vascular Involvement in the Diagnosis of Retinal Vasculitis.- Masquerade Syndromes.