Featuring updated charts dealing with the most common situations welding workers face on the job , this comprehensive, pocket-sized reference is based on recommendations from working professionals and covers welding symbols and definitions, types of joints and welds, typical welding station configurations, oxygen cylinders, arc-welding charts, U.S metric measures, and more.
Acknowledgments vii
Preface ix
1. Welding and Cutting Safety 1
2. Oxyacetylene Welding 13
3. Oxyacetylene Cutting 47
4. Shielded Metal Arc Welding 81
5. Arc Welding and Cutting 117
6. Brazing and Braze Welding 147
7. Soldering 165
8. Identifying Metals 199
9. Cast Iron 217
10. Wrought Iron 233
11. Carbon Steels 237
12. Alloy Steels 243
13. Reactive and Refractory Metals 255
14. Galvanized Metals 265
15. Soft Metals Welding 269
16. Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys 289
17. Lead, Tin and Zinc 301
18. Hard Facing and Tool and Die Steels 305
19. Types of Joints 319
20. Welding Positions 321
21. Types of Welds 327
22. Weld Terminology 333
23. Welding Symbols 341
24. Tips for Producing Good Welds 387
Appendix A SMAW Carbon Steel Electrodes 389
Appendix B SMAW Stainless Steel Electrodes 401
Appendix C SMAW Aluminum Electrodes 411
Appendix D Conversion Tables 415
James Brumbaugh is an active consultant to the trades industry specializing in welding and HVAC. He has more than twenty years experience in residential and light commercial construction and has authored 15 books in the trades area, including Audel’s Welder’s Guide, 3rd Edition.