Authored by some of the world’s leading cancer experts from wide ranging disciplines including oncology, radiation oncology, neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, and radiology this compact volume provides authoritative state-of-the-art primer level overviews of the various cancer types, their evaluation, and treatment. Every aspect of oncology is covered with clear, up-to-date descriptions of the general principles and concepts fundamental to attaining a clinical appreciation of the foundations of cancer care.
Each chapter is concise but highlights the basic tenets health care professionals working with cancer patients need to know to understand the diseases and current treatment options. To facilitate review, Key Points are boxed in each chapter to summarize important clinical information and concepts at a glance. This book represents a synthesis of information from some of the top physicians in oncology that is not as easily accessed anywhere else.
Features of Synopsis of Clinical Oncology include:
- Multi-specialty expert authorship
- Focus on therapeutics management of cancer
- Key Points boxed in each chapter for quick review
I. PRINCIPLES OF CANCER AND CANCER TREATMENT: 1. Principles of Neoplasia; 2. Principles of Chemotherapy; 3. Principles of Immunotherapy; 4. Principles of Radiotherapy; 5. Principles of Neurosurgery in Cancer; 6. Principles of Orthopedic Surgery in Cancer; 7. Principles of Breast Surgery in Cancer; 8. Principles of Breast Reconstruction in Cancer; 9. Principles of Spine Imaging in Cancer; 10. Principles of Plexus Imaging in Cancer; 11. Cancer Statistics;
II. INTRODUCTION TO EVALUATION AND TREATMENT OF MALIGNANCY: 12. Evaluation and Treatment of Breast Cancer; 13. Evaluation and Treatment of Prostate and Genitourinary Cancer; 14. Evaluation and Treatment of Lung and Bronchus Cancer; 15. Evaluation and Treatment of Colorectal Cancer; 16. Evaluation and Treatment of Melanoma; 17. Evaluation and Treatment of Lymphoma; 18. Evaluation and Treatment of Leukemia and Myelodysplasia; 19. Evaluation and Treatment of Primary Central Nervous System Tumors; 20. Evaluation and Treatment of Gynecologic Cancer; 21. Evaluation and Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer; 22. Evaluation and Treatment of Thyroid Cancer; 23. Evaluation and Treatment of Sarcoma; 24. Evaluation and Treatment of Primary Bone Tumors