The FPGEE (Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination®) is the tallest hurdle for graduates of foreign pharmacy schools who wish to practice in the United States. With a pass rate that is under 60%, the FPGEE is a daunting 5½ hour, 250-question exam that tests a wide range of knowledge in four major areas of pharmacy education: Basic biomedical sciences (21%); Pharmaceutical sciences 29%; Social/behavioral/administrative pharmacy sciences (15%); Clinical sciences (35%) Completely revised an updated, the second edition of The APh A Complete Review for the FPGEE is a one-stop compilation of pharmacy knowledge and serves as a premier resource for successfully passing the FPGEE on your journey being eligible to take the NAPLEX and MPJE exams, and becoming a licensed pharmacist in the U.S.
Bradley A. Boucher, Pharm D, FCCP, FNAP, MCCM, BCPS, Professor of Clinical Pharmacy and Translational Science, and Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives and Operations at the University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy. He practices in the area of critical care at Regional One Health and is board certified in Pharmacotherapy. Dr. Boucher has published more than 90 peer-reviewed articles and 18 book chapters during his career. Dr. Boucher served as the president of ACCP in 2002 and received the ACCP Service Award in 2004 and Clinicial Practice Award in 2011.