Toplum DestekE-kitapNon-FictionDoğa / TeknolojiBiyografiler, OtobiyografilerBilimAstrolojiDoğaToplumTeknikÇeşitli2.197 Bu kategorideki e-kitaplar Andri Snær Magnason: On Time and Water In the next hundred years, the nature of water on Earth will undergo a fundamental change. Glaciers will melt, the level of the sea will rise, and its acidity will change more than it has in the past … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €13.99 Anne Hessel & Jean Jouzel: A Climate Pact for Europe The COVID-19 pandemic gives an opportunity to relaunch global economic systems with a better balance between the social and environmental dimensions. There is a need for a scientifically-based step t … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €14.99 Gyncild: Keep It Cool! We face an existential climate crisis. How can one person make a difference? Each of us makes choices every day that affect the greenhouse gasses we contribute to th … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €2.99 Andrew D. Mayes: Climate of the Soul This book bears us on eagles’ wings into the vault of the heavens and plunges us into the hidden depths of the soul. As the climate crisis alerts us to the state of the planet, so we look into our so … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €20.99 Jonathan Koomey & Ian Monroe: Solving Climate Change This book frames the climate problem in a comprehensive way and cuts through common conceptual confusions that impede rapid action. The first chapter describes the history, nature, and scope of the c … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €74.99 Dr. Sharon Ryan: That’s Not Canadian Sharon’s mother was in the first wave of seniors/palliative care patients to be residing inside a palliative care ward in Covid-19 (March 2020) with no visitation rights. Isolated, confused, and alon … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €4.49 Mathis Wackernagel & Bert Beyers: Ecological Footprint The only metric that tracks how much nature we have – and how much nature we use Ecological Footprint accounting, first introduced in the 1990s and continuously developed, continues to be the only me … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €19.99 Pius Z Yanda & Claude G Mung’ong’o: Climate Change Impacts and Sustainability This book provides a detailed analysis of the economic and environmental impacts of climate change on the tropical ecosystems in Tanzania. Topics covered include agriculture, marine resources, wildli … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €134.99 Stephen Gorard: How to Make Sense of Statistics In a new textbook designed for students new to statistics and social data, Stephen Gorard focuses on non-inferential statistics as a basis to ensure students have basic statistical literacy. Un … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €43.99 Peter A. Rogerson: Spatial Statistical Methods for Geography This accessible new textbook offers a straightforward introduction to doing spatial statistics. Grounded in real world examples, it shows you how to extend traditional statistical methods for use wit … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €57.99 Sonraki Sayfa >>> 0 0 Ödeme 0,00 × × × Kullanıcı dilini değiştir × ArapçaAlmancaİngilizceİspanyolFransızcaHintçeEndonezyaİtalyanMalayaFlemenkçeLehçePortekizceRomenRusçaİsveççeTaylandTürkçeUkraynaVietnamÇinceInternational Modal ×