Ders Hazırlığı DestekE-kitapOkul / EğitimOkul kitaplarıDers Hazırlığıİşletme Okul KitaplarıÖğrenme OlanaklarıMetin AyarlaYetişkin EğitimiAlman DiliÇeşitliÖğretim Materyalleri, Ders NotlarıAnaokulu, Okul ÖncesiİlkokulOrta Seviye IOrta Seviye IIÖzel Gelişim OkuluMesleki EğitimÇeşitli7.619 Bu kategorideki e-kitaplar Singapore Centre for Chinese Language & 南洋理工大学新加坡华文教研: Preschool Teaching Activities for Festivals of Singapore 本书提供新加坡广为人知涵盖多个种族的节庆教学案例介绍,并框架出节庆教学活动进行的方向与脉络。节日的介绍以普遍化的知识以及在幼儿教育中所代表的价值作为背景书写,提供给幼儿园教师简洁却有情感的阅读文字,以及可在幼儿园运作的简单教学活动数则不等,给予幼儿园教师灵感,教师可以根据任教班级幼儿的年龄及程度,将书中提供的教案加以延伸、修改,在班级中进行,各节庆教案之间也可以互相流转、改造。本书并配搭有教学工 … EPUB Adobe DRM €5.49 劉永康 趙珂: 仰望燦爛的語文星空 作者簡介 劉永康,1945年生,四川資中人。四川師範大學文學院原黨委書記、教授、四川省學術技術帶頭人,教育部特聘全國教師教育課程資源專家委員會委員、教育部首批’國培計畫’專家庫成員,全國首個語文學科教學論國家級精品課程負責人、原全國語文學習科學專業委員會學術委員會主任。全國語文名師工作室聯盟顧問兼學術指導、連續6年擔任四川省高考語文命題組長,主持的國家級精品課程’語文課程與教學論’在教育部’愛課 … EPUB Çince Adobe DRM €10.99 S.V. OnlyArt: Tips & Tricks Tips & tricks om een goede relatie & band met uw hond op te bouwen. Das E-Book Tips & Tricks wird angeboten von Publish Drive und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert: dog;care;training … EPUB Flemenkçe €7.99 Dale Ripley: Lessons From Great Teachers to Teachers Who Want to Be Great Author Dale Ripley has spent years studying great educators. Through extensive interviews with outstanding teachers and his own teaching experience, he has identified the common traits of great teach … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €43.99 S. Hughie Lassiter: The Adventures of Kingston to the Rescue The statue began to speak, and in a deep voice it said, ‘Kingston, I knew your father. I gave your father powers. I want to give you powers too.’ Kingston couldn’t believe what just happened and what … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €9.99 Ehimwenma Aimiuwu: A Calabash Never Sinks This essential textbook provides a comprehensive exploration of the social, political, economic, and cultural challenges faced by international students in American colleges. Written for students, ed … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €3.99 Rosalyn McKeown: Into the Classroom Student teaching can be an endeavor fraught with anxiety. Those entering the classroom for the first time face the daunting challenge of translating coursework on the theory of teaching into real-wor … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €14.99 Barbara Carmody: Teaching Heart to Heart: Teaching Heart to Heart: A Book of Reflections and Encouragement for Teachers is about teaching in a way where we connect with more than just our minds–we connect with our hearts. This book aims to … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €3.99 Terry Lindvall & Cary Joseph: The Joy of Narnia A university professor and two middle school English teachers weave recent educational research on humor with examples from C.S. Lewis’s Narnia Chronicles to make a compelling case for teaching teach … EPUB İngilizce Adobe DRM €25.99 0 0 Ödeme 0,00 × × × Kullanıcı dilini değiştir × ArapçaAlmancaİngilizceİspanyolFransızcaHintçeEndonezyaİtalyanMalayaFlemenkçeLehçePortekizceRomenRusçaİsveççeTaylandTürkçeUkraynaVietnamÇinceInternational Modal ×