‘This book will serve as a light-hearted but strong life-line to many readers who are for one reason or another steeling themselves to walk away from the ivory tower.’
–Jennifer Lee Carrell, Free-lance writer
This book provides concrete advice and support for readers moving from the advanced academic world to the real world. The authors cover all the big issues including skill and interest assessment, writing effective resumes and cover letters, preparing for interviews, and evaluating job offers. Written in a lively, engaging style that from a ‘been there, done that’ perspective, this is exactly the kind of information people need when academia unravels around them.
Assessing Your Academic Powers
The Gifts of Knowledge
Taking a Closer Look – Personality Profiles
Filling in the Fuzzy Parts
Identifying Interactive Skills
What′s Mine is Mine, and What′s Yours May be Mine, Too
Applying Your Skills to Job Market
Roads Not Yet Taken
Investigating Popular Paths
The Profit and Nonprofit Worlds
Exploring Entrepreneurial Options
This May be Yo56ur Golden Opportunity
Recognizing Gender and Cultural Issues
The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same
It′s Not Only What You Know, But Whom You Know
Writing Effective Resumes, Cover Letters
Why Bother With a Resume? Just Let me Talk to Them, They′ll Love Me
Perfecting Interview Skills
I Know You Believe You Understand What You Think I Asked, but I′m Not Sure You Realize That What You Said is Not What I Asked For