Tác giả: Engelbert Thaler

Ủng hộ
Prof. Dr. Engelbert Thaler ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Didaktik des Englischen an der Universität Augsburg. Seine über 500 wissenschaftlichen Publikationen befassen sich mit Verbesserung der Unterrichtsqualität, Lehrerausbildung, Medien- und Literaturdidaktik, interkulturellem Lernen, Entwicklung von Lehrwerken.

13 Ebooks bởi Engelbert Thaler

Engelbert Thaler: Short Films in Language Teaching
The second volume in the new academic series SELT (Studies in English Language Teaching) is also divided into three parts: A. Theory – B. Methodology – C. CIassroom. Part A highlights the topic from …
Engelbert Thaler: Shorties
Short narrative texts are good for the language classroom because they are short and narrative. Therefore this volume treats the teaching potential of Shorties on a theoretical level (part A), a meth …
Engelbert Thaler: Short Films in Language Teaching
The second volume in the new academic series SELT (Studies in English Language Teaching) is also divided into three parts: A. Theory – B. Methodology – C. CIassroom. Part A highlights the topic from …
Engelbert Thaler: Singer-Songwriters
The times they are a-changing: Who would have expected Bob Dylan to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature as the first songwriter ever? And the British Bob Dylan, i.e. Donovan, stated: Wir haben die …
Engelbert Thaler: Lit 21 – New Literary Genres in the Language Classroom
Panta rhei. The world is in motion. So is literary production. New literary genres like digi fiction, text-talk novels, fan fiction or illustrated novels, to name a few, have developed over the last …
Engelbert Thaler: Lit 21 – New Literary Genres in the Language Classroom
Panta rhei. The world is in motion. So is literary production. New literary genres like digi fiction, text-talk novels, fan fiction or illustrated novels, to name a few, have developed over the last …
Dorottya Ruisz & Petra Rauschert: Living Language Teaching
Fremdsprachenunterricht unterliegt stetigem Wandel und zeigt immer neue Facetten. Living Language Teaching greift diesen Gedanken auf und richtet den Fokus auf fremdsprachenunterrichtliche Lehrwerke …
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Dorottya Ruisz & Petra Rauschert: Living Language Teaching
Fremdsprachenunterricht unterliegt stetigem Wandel und zeigt immer neue Facetten. Living Language Teaching greift diesen Gedanken auf und richtet den Fokus auf fremdsprachenunterrichtliche Lehrwerke …
tiếng Đức
Engelbert Thaler: Teaching Transhumanism
Onco-mice and cloned sheep, drones and auto-automobiles, neuro-enhancement and prosthetic therapy: Is transhumanism a ‘movement that epitomizes the most daring, courageous, imaginative, and idealisti …
Engelbert Thaler: Teaching Transhumanism
Onco-mice and cloned sheep, drones and auto-automobiles, neuro-enhancement and prosthetic therapy: Is transhumanism a ‘movement that epitomizes the most daring, courageous, imaginative, and idealisti …
Christiane Fäcke & Marianne Rost-Roth: Sprachenausbildung – Sprachen bilden aus – Bildung aus Sprachen
Dokumentation zum 25. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung/DGFF) Augsburg, 25. – 28. September 2013 …
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Engelbert Thaler: Teaching English with Films
Englisch unterrichten mit Filmen? Obwohl Filme bei Schülern besonders beliebt sind, gehören sie zu den Medien, die nur selten im Unterricht verwendet werden. Meist wird ihr Potential für den Englisch …
tiếng Đức
Engelbert Thaler: Teaching English Literature
Reading and discussing literature is a central topic for advanced learners of English in schools. This book offers future English teachers a comprehensive introduction to this area. It is easy to rea …