Tác giả: Michael Reid Trice

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5 Ebooks bởi Michael Reid Trice

Simone Sinn & Michael Reid Trice: Religious Identity and Renewal in the Twenty-first Century
Religions carry strong visions of renewal and thereby have the potential to trigger dynamics of change in all spheres of human life. Religions have contributed to societal transformation and processe …
Simone Sinn & Michael Reid Trice: Religious Identity and Renewal in the Twenty-first Century
Religions carry strong visions of renewal and thereby have the potential to trigger dynamics of change in all spheres of human life. Religions have contributed to societal transformation and processe …
Simone Sinn & Michael Reid Trice: Religiöse Identität und Erneuerung im 21. Jahrhundert
Religionen haben klare Vorstellungen von Erneuerung und damit das Potential, in allen Sphären menschlichen Lebens Veränderungen einzuleiten. Religionen haben schon immer zu gesellschaftlichen Verände …
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Simone Sinn & Michael Reid Trice: Religiöse Identität und Erneuerung im 21. Jahrhundert
Religionen haben klare Vorstellungen von Erneuerung und damit das Potential, in allen Sphären menschlichen Lebens Veränderungen einzuleiten. Religionen haben schon immer zu gesellschaftlichen Verände …
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Patricia O’Connell Killen & Michael Reid Trice: Gratitude, Injury, and Repair in a Pandemic Age
Scholarly insight and reflection on finding meaning in the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic caused a horrific loss of life and had tremendous, long-lasting psycholo …