There are four ways to revitalize a church, organizationally speaking. The easiest change is policy change. You simply adjust the way you do things.
A second strategy is to change personnel. Firing the minister or electing new lay leaders is a common approach.
Another change tactic is to create new program structures. Reorganization plans are familiar in institutions of all kinds.
Change policy. Change people. Change programs. Each of these approaches has its advocates. But the approach I suggest is the most basic of all–clarify purpose.
The fourth way to revitalize a church is to define and act on its fundamental purpose. A new dream awakes a congregation. A poster motto challenges: ‘Aim for the sun. You may not reach it, but you will fly higher that if you never aimed at all.’
–from the Foreword
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Robert D. Dale is professor of pastoral leadership and church ministries, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, North Carolina. Dr. Dale has had a wide range of experience as a Baptist minister , consultant and supervisor in the Church Administration Department of the Baptist Sunday School Board, and seminary professor. He was educated at Southwest Baptist College (A.A.), Oklahoma Baptist University (B.A.), and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (B.D.; Ph.D.). This is Dr. Dale’s fourth book.