社会科学 支持电子书小说儿童书籍旅行指南手册人文科学科学社会科学学校/学习非小说一般社会学政治学媒体/传播民族学法经济641,699 此类电子书 Mark Hewlett: Urban Focus This project is aimed the 16+ age range inside or outside any kind of educational institution. It is for courses concerned with general education – either in general studies programmes or as aspects … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.67 Leslie Smith: Critical Readings on Piaget Critical Readings on Piaget is a follow-up to Piaget: Critical Assessments a collection of eighty-three papers dealing with the critique of Piaget”s work in psychology, education and philosophy duri … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.05 Angela P. Cheater: Social Anthropology An introduction to the central concerns of social anthropology, presenting an alternative to standard texts. More concerned with the life-worlds of underdevelopment than the primitive or the exotic, … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.94 Sor-hoon Tan: Challenging Citizenship Over the last ten years citizenship has become an area of interdisciplinary research and teaching in its own right. This book highlights that globalization poses new challenges for established unders … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.47 Prof Carole Counihan & Susanne Højlund: Making Taste Public Making Taste Public takes an ethnographic approach to show how social relations shape – and are shaped by – the taste of food. Recognizing that different cultures have different taste preferences and … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.27 Hazel J. Hartley: Exploring Sport and Leisure Disasters First published in 2001. This book provides a socio-legal analysis of disasters by setting out two sport and leisure disasters (the 1989 Hillsborough and Marchioness disasters) and considering them i … EPUB Adobe DRM €43.71 Jordan McKenzie: Deconstructing Happiness This book offers an original account of the good life in late modernity through a uniquely sociological lens. It considers the various ways that social and cultural factors can encourage or impede ge … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.45 Rosalind Edwards: Mature Women Students First Published in 1993. At a time when more mature women are encouraged to enter higher education, this book investigates the effects that being a student has on women”s family and social relations … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.45 Rochelle Spencer: Development Tourism Tourism in Cuba – described by Fidel Castro as ”the evil we have to have” – has been regarded both with ambivalence, and as a crucial aspect of development and poverty alleviation. The result is a … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.59 George K. Danns: Domination and Power in Guyana This book explains the emerging system of domination and the exercise of power in the Third World society of Guyana. It is concerned with the police as a bureaucratic inheritance. … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.32 下一页 >>> 0 0 查看 0,00 × × × 更改用户语言 × 阿拉伯语德国英语西班牙语法国印地文印度尼西亚意大利马来语荷兰人抛光葡萄牙罗马尼亚俄瑞典泰国土耳其乌克兰越南中国International Modal ×