Through various lenses and theoretical approaches, this book explores the contested experiences, meanings, realms, goals, and challenges associated with the construction, preservation, and transmission of the memories of state repression in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay.
Foreword; F.Lessa & V.Druliolle Introduction – Present Pasts: Memory(es) of State Terrorism in the Southern Cone of Latin America; E.Crenzel Remembering and its Places in Post-Dictatorship Argentina; V.Druliolle The Slogan ‘Complete Memory’: A Reactive (Re)-Signification of the Memory of the Disappeared in Argentina; V.Salvi Queering Acts of Mourning in the Aftermath of Argentina’s Dictatorship: The Mothers of Plaza de Mayo and Los Rubios; C.Sosa Justice and its Remainders: Diamela Eltit’s Puño y letra; M.J.Lazzara Chile: Dilemmas of memory; E.Lira The Traces of ‘Postmemory’ in Second-Generation Chilean and Argentinean Identities; A.Serpente Collective Memories of the Trauma of Forced Disappearance: Reflections on the Case of the Disappeared Political Detainees in the Aftermath of Uruguay’s State Terror (1985-2001); G.Fried No hay que tener los ojos en la nuca : The Memory of Violence in Uruguay, 1973-2010; F.Lessa Afterword – The Politics of ‘Memory’ in the Long Present of the Southern Cone; V.Bell
VIKKI BELL Professor in Sociology at Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK. EMILIO CRENZEL Professor of Sociology at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. GABRIELA FRIED AMILIVIA Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology at California State University, USA. GIUSEPPE LANA Artistic director of the exhibitions gallery BOCS (Box Of Contemporary Space). MICHAEL J. LAZZARA Assoc. Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture at the University of California, USA ELIZABETH LIRA Psychologist and Director of the Center of Ethics at the Alberto Hurtado University in Santiago, Chile. VALENTINA SALVI Researcher at the National Council of Scientific Research (CONICET) and the Research Institute ‘Gino Germani’ (University of Buenos Aires). ALEJANDRA SERPENTE Doctoral student at the Institute for the Study of the Americas, School of Advanced Study, University of London, UK. CECILIA SOSA Argentine sociologist who worked for five years as a cultural journalist for the national newspaper Página 12.