Families & Change: Coping With Stressful Events and Transitions presents current literature detailing families’ responses to varied transitions and stressful life events over the life span. Integrating research, theory, and application, this bestselling text implements interdisciplinary content to address a multitude of both predictable and unpredictable problems and stressors as they relate to family sciences. Editors Kevin R. Bush and Christine A. Price bring together cutting-edge research and scholarship to examine issues across the life span and how these factors can be applied across diverse family situations.
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List of Tables and Figures
Preface to the Sixth Edition
Section 1: Theoretical Foundations
Chapter 1: Families Coping With Change: A Conceptual Overview – Christine A. Price, Kevin R. Bush, Sharon J. Price, and Patrick C. Mc Kenry
Section 2: Family Stress and Adjustment
Chapter 2: Everyday Hassles and Family Relationships – Heather M. Helms, Kaicee B. Postler, and David H. Demo
Chapter 3: Mindfulness and Family Stress – Suzanne Klatt and Anthony G. James
Section 3: Developmental Family Stress
Chapter 4: Parental Stress Viewed Through the Lens of Family Stress Theory – Gary W. Peterson
Chapter 5: Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Understanding Stress and Resilience in Family Systems – Kami L. Gallus and Briana S. Nelson Goff
Chapter 6: LGBQ-Parent Families: Development and Functioning in Context – Abbie E. Goldberg and Nora M. Mc Cormick
Chapter 7: Stress and Coping in Later Life – Áine M. Humble
Section 4: Stressful Family Transitions
Chapter 8: Divorce: Variation and Fluidity – David H. Demo, Mark A. Fine, and Savannah Sommers
Chapter 9: Stress and Resilience in Stepfamilies Today – Chelsea Garneau-Rosner and Braquel Egginton
Chapter 10: Immigrant Families: Resilience Through Adversity – Bertranna A. Muruthi, Hyoun K. Kim, James Muruthi, and Jaehee Kim
Section 5: Contextual Influences on Family Stress
Chapter 11: Economic Stress and Families – Suzanne Bartholomae and Jonathan Fox
Chapter 12: Race, Ethnicity, and Family Stress – Anthony G. James, Veronica R. Barrios, Roudi Roy, and Soyoung Lee
Chapter 13: The Newest Generation of U.S. Veterans and Their Families – Kyung-Hee Lee and Shelley Mac Dermid Wadsworth
Section 6: Stress Relating to Family and Community Violence
Chapter 14: Promoting Pathways to Resilient Outcomes for Maltreated Children – Margaret O’Dougherty Wright and Lucy Allbaugh
Chapter 15: Stress and Coping with Intimate Partner Violence – Lyndal Khaw
Chapter 16: Family Responses to School and Community Mass Violence – Amity Noltemeyer, Courtney L. Mc Laughlin, Mark R. Mc Gowan, and Caitie Johnson
Section 7: Family Stress and Coping with Sickness and Death
Chapter 17: Physical Illness and Family Stress – Jeremy Yorgason, Stephanie Richardson, and Kevin Stott
Chapter 18: Family Socioeconomic Context and Mental Health in Parents and Children: A Heuristic Framework – Kandauda A. S. Wickrama, Catherine Walker O’Neal, and Tae Kyoung Lee
Chapter 19: Families Coping with Alcohol and Substance Abuse – Kevin P. Lyness and Judith L. Fischer
Chapter 20: Death, Dying, and Grief in Families – Colleen I. Murray and Jordan C. Reuter
About the Editors
About the Contributors
Christine A. Price is an Associate Professor and Coordinator for the Gerontology Program in the Department of Family and Child Studies at Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey. Her primary area of teaching is family gerontology and her scholarly interests emphasize the transitional adjustment and psychosocial experiences of retired women. Her work has been published in several scholarly journals including The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, the Journal of Women and Aging, Family Relations, and The Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research. She earned her Master’s and Ph D in Child and Family Development and Graduate Certificate in Gerontology from The University of Georgia.