This book is aimed at exploring the socioeconomic assessment of the project-affected people of the Tehri hydro project. The Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Hyderabad, first conducted a socioeconomic study for the THDC in 1993, which aimed at the families to be rehabilitated and those already rehabilitated. The first socioeconomic study carried out a benchmark survey to evaluate the project and its impact and to build a socioeconomic profile of the households to understand the conditions before and after the R and R. The survey also documented the perceptions, views, and suggestions of the rehabilitated households.
The present book is a follow up to the previous study, and it compares with the results of the first survey to understand any changes. The main aim of the book is to understand the socioeconomic conditions of the households rehabilitated and resettled up to the year 2008.
About the author
Dr A Amarender Reddy is Principal Scientist (Agricultural Economics) with ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. Earlier he worked with Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI, Hyderabad), Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD, Lucknow) and also Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA, New Delhi). He is consultant for planning commission, government of India, and international organizations like Japanese Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) on economic development and planning.