This book contributes to the theoretical and policy debate on the existence of a European public sphere. It presents a critical discussion of the links between media, history and politics in Europe today, examining the re-organization of ideological and political dimensions and debates the existence of a European editorial culture.
Table of Content
Introduction; M.Krzy?anowski, A.Triandafyllidou & R.Wodak PART I: EUROPE AND THE MEDIA AT TIMES OF CRISES: THEORETICAL REFLECTIONS Europe – Discourse – Politics – Media – History: Constructing ‘crises’?; B.Stråth & R.Wodak Media, Political Communication and the European Public Sphere; P.Preston & M.Metykova PART II: CRISES EVENTS AND THE IDEA OF EUROPE IN POST WAR MEDIA DEBATES Out of Maelstroms: Crises and Parlous Developments of Europe since World War II; J.Kaye The 1956 Hungarian Revolution in the Hungarian, Austrian and German Media; A.Kovács, A.Horváth, N.Kinsky-Müngersdorff The Berlin Wall crisis: Global Cold War and the Role of Europe; H.Schulz-Forberg Paris in May 1968: Social Conflict, Democracy and the Role of Europe; H.Schulz-Forberg ‘Progressive’ Versus ‘Bureaucratic’ Socialism: How the Myth of Socialism Was Split in Two in the Yugoslav Press Coverage of the Warsaw Pact’s Occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968; P.Krasovec & I.Z.Zagar The Discursive Construction of Europe and Values in the Coverage of the Polish 1981 ‘State of War’ in European Press; M.Krzy?anowski The Fall of the Berlin Wall: European and Value-oriented Dimensions in the News Discourse; J.ter Wal, A.Triandafyllidou, C.Steindler & M.Kontochristou Europe’s role in the World: The Invasion of Iraq and the Outbreak of the Second Gulf War; J.ter Wal, A. riandafyllidou, C.Steindler & M.Kontochristou The Mohammed Cartoons Crisis: The Role of Islam in the European Public Sphere; J.ter Wal, A.Triandafyllidou, C.Steindler & M.Kontochristou Conclusions: Europe, Media, Crisis and the European Public Sphere; M.Krzy?anowski , A.Triandafyllidou & R.Wodak Bibliography
About the author
ANIKÓ V HORVÁTH is currently a Ph D student at the department of sociology and social anthropology at the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary JAMES KAYE is a project coordinator at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute and key researcher at the Ludwig Boltzman Institute for European History and Public Spheres in Vienna NADEZDA KINSKY is a Ph D student at the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Vienna PRIMOZ KRASOVEC is Assistant Researcher at the Institute for Education, Ljubljana and a Ph D student of sociology of everyday life at Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana MONIKA METYKOVA is a research associate at Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK HAGEN SCHULZ-FORBERG is Assistant Professor in International History at the University of Aarhus, Denmark BO STRÅTH is Academy of Finland Distinguished Professor of Nordic, European and World History at Helsinki University, Finland JESSIKA TER WAL is Assistant Professor in Communication Sciences at the Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University, The Netherlands IGOR Z. ZAGAR is Senior Research Fellow and head of the Center for Discourse Studies, at the Educational Research Institute, and Professor in Rhetoric and Argumentation at the Faculty of the Humanities, University of Primorska, Slovenia