A. V. C. Schmidt, who is an Emeritus Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford, is a leading international authority on William Langland. His Piers Plowman: A Parallel-Text Edition has been called “a monumental achievement, ” written with “controlled passion” (Speculum), and a work of “grand majesty” expressed “with grace and confident clarity” (Journal of English and Germanic Philology). The present volume illustrates the wide range of his interests and expertise outside the field of the Langland studies collected in Earthly Honest Things (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012), to which Passion and Precision now forms an indispensable companion.
3 Ebooks by A. V. C. Schmidt
A. V. C. Schmidt: Earthly Honest Things
Earthly Honest Things brings together the complete shorter writings of a leading international authority on William Langland. Of A. V. C. Schmidt’s recent two-volume Piers Plowman: A Parallel Text Ed …
A. V. C. Schmidt: Passion and Precision
Passion and Precision contains twenty essays on a range of major medieval and modern English and Irish poets. The first part consists of three chapters on Chaucer, including a substantial new study o …