Mark Schweda (Prof. Dr.) leitet die Abteilung Ethik in der Medizin am Department für Versorgungsforschung der Fakultät VI – Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften in Oldenburg. Er forscht zu ethischen Aspekten von Alter(n), Lebenslauf und Zeitlichkeit im Kontext von Medizin und Gesundheitsversorgung.
4 Ebooks by Aagje Swinnen
Anthony R. Bardo & Denise Bielby: Aging, Media, and Culture
The intersections of aging, media, and culture are under-explored given trends in population aging, rapid increases in the mediation of everyday life, and the growing cultural significance of media c …
Aagje Swinnen & Mark Schweda: Popularizing Dementia
How are individual and social ideas of late-onset dementia shaped and negotiated in film, literature, the arts, and the media? And how can the symbolic forms provided by popular culture be adopted an …
Karin Bijsterveld & Aagje Swinnen: Interdisciplinarity in the Scholarly Life Cycle
This open access book illustrates how interdisciplinary research develops over the lifetime of a scholar: not in a single project, but as an attitude that trickles down, or spirals up, into research. …
Valerie Barnes Lipscomb & Aagje Swinnen: The Palgrave Handbook of Literature and Aging
This handbook offers a comprehensive survey of the growing field of literary age studies and points to new directions in scholarly research. Divided into four sections, the volume reflects …