“God pummeled me. My most horrific experience. Also my best.”
The Oracle is the enlightenment of a profound principle the author learned during a desperate season of his life. The power to transform a life finally awakened him. Embracing its message on one of his darkest days, he wrote The Oracle to revive hope and inspiration for the prosperity God offers each of us.
The Oracle assures prosperity to the soul who observes its message, and a curse to the one who rejects it. Promoting a shift in one’s mind, this universal law prompts wellness, abundance, hope, purpose, and a radically enriched life destiny.
Ensuring the transformation of life and soul, The Oracle boasts promises almost too good to be true. Almost.
About the author
After attending Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and graduating from Texas A&M University, Aaron Brown co-founded an eclectic cafe named Sweet Eugene’s in 1993. He has a burden for drawing people closer to God through writing, so when not slinging coffee, Aaron enjoys penning his thoughts in hopes of inspiring readers to pursue an enlightened path with purpose.