As patients and consumers, we often have OTC questions for our doctors and pharmacists. But what if there was a way to get answers from a pharmacist at your own convenience? Enter Aaron Hermann. As a retail pharmacist, Hermann has fielded countless queries from customers over the years, and over time, he found that most patients were just looking for a quick reply to the same basic questions related to OTC medications and ailments. In The OTC Handbook, Hermann delivers a time saving reference tool that offers answers to the most common questions he hears while at work, from cough and cold remedies to GI problems to skin conditions. It is a compendium of knowledge and insight, providing timely information to patients while freeing up time for busy pharmacy personnel. A first-of-its-kind guidebook, The OTC Handbook has the answers to all your over-the-counter healthcare questions.
About the author
Aaron Hermann has been a retail pharmacist for seven years. He lives in Blue Springs, MO with his wife and four children.