Bible figures of speech have been around since Adam. Who hasnt heard of the most famous tree, The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? And in a moment of defiance and rebellion, Cain asked God, Am I my brothers keeper?
These two literary terms can be called figures of speech. They are examples of phrases that bring forth a particular meaning to he who hears them, and they become personal to each of us. What do these two figures of speech have in common?
They were both written down or attributed to the same author, Moses. They both happened somewhere at a specific place, which was an event at a certain moment of time. They represent the divine nature of God and Gods relationship with man, or in literary terms, a character.
While we dont always know the exact location or date, as with the early biblical writings, we do have a unifying anchor which is the Bible figure of speech.
Considering the first Bible figure of speech, we have yet another image: In the beginning. Here we see God acting alone in creation at the beginning of time. It too provides us with a simple truth both unforgettable and personal. It speaks to our mind and our heart and soul as personal knowledge, which is outside of ration and have heaven and earth to bear witness.
This is a Bible figure of speech.
About the author
Aaron Schroeder grew up hearing the Bible Figures of Speech every day as a child. The elders of his life who were from the Victorian era used them often. When that generation was no longer, the hearing of the terms was no longer…until he started reading the Bible and found them again…