The main objective of the book is to present state-of-the-art research results and experience reports in the area of quality monitoring for customer experience management, addressing topics which are currently important, such as service-aware future Internet architecture for Quality of Experience (Qo E) management on multimedia applications.
In recent years, multimedia applications and services have experienced a sudden growth. Today, video display is not limited to the traditional areas of movies and television on TV sets, but these applications are accessed in different environments, with different devices and under different conditions. In addition, the continuous emergence of new services, along with increasing competition, is forcing network operators and service providers to focus all their efforts on customer satisfaction, although determining the Qo E is not a trivial task. This book addresses the Qo E for improving customer perception when using added value services offered by service providers, from evaluation to monitoring and other management processes.
About the author
Abdelhamid MELLOUK [IEEE Senior Member] is a full professor at University of Paris-Est (UPEC), Networks & Telecommunications (N&T), Department and Li SSi Laboratory, France. He graduated in computer network engineering from the Computer Science High Eng. School, University of Paris Sud XI Orsay, received his Ph.D. in informatics from the same university, and a Doctorate of Sciences (Habilitation) diploma from UPEC. Founder of the Network Control Research activity with extensive international academic and industrial collaborations, his general area of research is in adaptive real-time control for high-speed new generation dynamic wired/wireless networking in order to maintain acceptable quality? of service/experience for added value services. He is an active member of the IEEE Communications Society and held several offices including leadership positions in IEEE Communications Society Technical Committees (Chair of The Technical Committee on Communications Software, Leader Officer of The Technical Committee on Switching and Routing). He has published/coordinated five books and several refereed international publications in journals, conferences, and books, in addition to numerous keynotes and plenary talks in flagship venues. He serves on the Editorial Boards or as Associate Editor for book publisher, several journals, and he is chairing or has chaired (or co-chaired) some of the top international conferences and symposia (including IEEE ICC and IEEE Globe Com).
Antonio CUADRA-SANCHEZ is Telecommunication Engineer (MSc) from the University of Cantabria (Spain) and also holds a master degree in Computer and communications from the University Autonoma of Madrid (Spain). He works as a research project manager and technology advisor for Qo S and Qo E in Indra. He has taught different courses of signaling protocols and networks (SS7, GSM, GPRS, UMTS, IMS and IPTV) in Telefonica R&D, Telefonica Spain and Americas. He has also published over 70 articles as much for the European organisms of regulation as for Telefonica Group, workshops and scientific and regulation book chapters, and has participated in lectures for different national and international conferences, including Tele Management Forum, ETSI and IEEE. He currently leads the IPNQSIS / PRINCE Celtic project and Celtic NOTTS project.