ALEXA S. CHILCUTT, PHD, is an Associate Professor and Director of the Public Speaking Program at the University of Alabama and an Executive Education faculty member for Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. She has served as the Communication Instructor and developed curriculum for The University of Alabama”s NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates program, “Fluid Mechanics with Analysis Using Computations and Experiments” (FM-ACE), from 2011-Present. Alexa and Adam provide professional development training for corporations.
ADAM J. BROOKS, PHD, is an Assistant Professor and Director of The Speaking Studio at the University of Alabama, Department of Communication Studies. He is also a two-time national champion speaker who has helped coach numerous presenters to national acclaim. His work has been recognized by the National Speech and Debate Association, and The National Forensic Association.
6 Ebooks by Adam Brooks
Adam J. Brooks & Otto Chan: Ultrasound in Emergency Care
A practical guide to the use of ultrasound and how to interpret the scans, aimed specifically at emergency physicians and staff. This is recognised as an essential skill in emergency medicine, and th …
Alexa S. Chilcutt & Adam Brooks: Engineered to Speak
Engineered to Speak: Helping You Create and Deliver Engaging Technical Presentations Technical expertise alone is not enough to ensure professional success. Twenty-first century engineers and technic …
Alexa S. Chilcutt & Adam Brooks: Engineered to Speak
Engineered to Speak: Helping You Create and Deliver Engaging Technical Presentations Technical expertise alone is not enough to ensure professional success. Twenty-first century engineers and technic …
Adam Brooks & Peter F. Mahoney: ABC of Tubes, Drains, Lines and Frames
Surgical patients are increasingly undergoing operative procedures that require complex post-operative care followed by prolonged rehabilitation in the community, and few leave surgery without a woun …
Adam Brooks & Bryan A. Cotton: Emergency Surgery
Emergency Surgery provides both a practical guide and an understanding of the issues that need to be considered in the management of emergency surgery patients. It presents a clear account of the key …
Adam Brooks & Jean Catineau: Traumatologie d”urgence
Mettant en jeu le pronostic fonctionnel, parfois le pronostic vital, les traumatismes représentent la principale cause de décès des sujets âgés de moins de 40 ans, ainsi qu’une source considérable de …