Author: Ahmar Mahboob

Ahmar Mahboob / Prof Nomad / Sunny Boy Brumby, born of South Asian refugees and South Asian social, economic, and political oppression, they grew up in exile in the United Arab Emirates, where they were educated not just through conventional schools but also through relationships with artists, poets, journalists, politicians, and writers—all friends of their parents. With them, they had grown to identify oppressive practices in academia and governance. Working on issues of disempowerment and marginalisation and recently abandoning most colonial teachings, they draw on observation, analysis, and practice to develop both their understandings and their own practices.

9 Ebooks by Ahmar Mahboob

Mary Shepard Wong & Ahmar Mahboob: Spirituality and English Language Teaching
This collection of 16 reflective accounts and data-driven studies explores the interrelationship of religious identity and English Language Teaching (ELT). The chapters broaden a topic which has trad …
Ahmar Mahboob & Leslie Barratt: Englishes in Multilingual Contexts
The chapters in this volume allow readers to develop a broad understanding of the issues around language variation and to recognise pedagogical implications of this work in multilingual contexts. The …
Dwi Noverini Djenar & Ahmar Mahboob: Language and Identity across Modes of Communication
This edited collection examines how people use a range of different modalities to negotiate, influence, and/or project their own or other people’s identities. It brings together linguistic scholars c …
Ken Cruickshank & Dwi Noverini Djenar: Language and Identity across Modes of Communication
This edited collection examines how people use a range of different modalities to negotiate, influence, and/or project their own or other people”s identities. It brings together linguistic scholars …
Ahmar Mahboob & Mary Shepard Wong: Spirituality and English Language Teaching
This collection of 16 reflective accounts and data-driven studies explores the interrelationship of religious identity and English Language Teaching (ELT). The chapters broaden a topic which has trad …
Naomi Knight & Ahmar Mahboob: Questioning Linguistics
QUESTIONING LINGUISTICS brings together different perspectives on language studies and applications into a single volume and allows readers to examine how linguists of diverse traditions study and us …
Ahmar Mahboob: NNEST Lens
The NNEST Lens invites you to imagine how the field of TESOL and applied linguistics can develop if we use the multilingual, multicultural, and multinational perspectives of a NNEST (Non Native Engli …
Ahmar Mahboob: Writings on Subaltern Practice
Subaltern theory emerged as a small voice within academia decades ago. Over time, this work generated significant debate and numerous publications, talks, and conferences. However, little has changed …
Naomi K. Knight & Ahmar Mahboob: Appliable Linguistics
This collection of research offers an initial step in the pursuit of an appliable linguistics. Appliable Linguistics takes everyday real-life language-related problems – both theoretical and practica …