… something that acts as a weapon; especially one that instantly solves a long-standing problem.
The term traditionally originates from ancient days; said to be the only kind of bullet that is effective against monsters.
There’s a Silver Bullet of God for each of your monsters!
A few of the results from around the world…
… the child rose from the dead!
… impacting the world!
… am introducing all to my University students here in Nigeria!
… I feel like some kind of chain was broken. A cloud of sadness was lifted off of me!
… I read your book last week and it is the most powerful and most knowledgeable book I have read on spiritual warfare!
… crime has stopped around us!
… instrumental in transforming my life!
… demonized, sicknesses, and illnesses, including HIV/AIDS victims are instantly healed!
… attacking the enemies, in their realms, destroying their strongholds, and kingdoms!
… our Faculty of Theology unanimously decided to teach this in our Bible College, Churches and Seminaries!
… my province is the only one free from child trafficking!
… physical infirmities of people (lung problems, TB, eyesight problems) were healed!
… I bound a giant evil entity over an area and many drug addicts were brought to salvation!
… this completely changed my life. Your book covers everything!
… big impact upon our Youth Leaders and Bible College Students!
… lady paralyzed for seven years was completely set free!
… our entire city was under attack. Suddenly, it all stopped and all is at peace in our city!
… I teach to Sunday school children and the children are going and worshipping in the spirit, manifesting spiritual gifts… going into heaven and seeing Jesus and angels!
… we have never seen spiritual warfare of such nature!
Table of Content
The book goes deeply into spiritual warfare, on how to conquer principalities and powers over cities, territories and nations. Also, how to do effective evangelism; develop a relationship with God; operate in your spiritual senses and get on the right destiny track with God! Hunting not only the Xtreme Big Game in the heavenly spiritual places, but also in the physical realm. Also, hunting people for God to set them free of evil entities; religion; corrupt leaders and the world; setting them on the right course with God!
This book is being used by Universities, Colleges, training centers, Church groups and Sunday Schools, around the world.
After 10 years of hitting the world with rave reviews, XTREME BIG GAME HUNTING was expanded and retitled, THE SILVER BULLET OF GOD.
It is a field manual for Superheroes!
About the author
President of Crown of Life Ministries; a Christian supernatural training ministry that started in 1973.
He walked out of the religious ‘church-system’ that he was raised in, almost 50 years ago. Since then, God has trained him how to be His Silver Bullet; to hunt and bring down
the most dangerous supernatural monsters known to exist; and to help save and set free the most precious beings known to exist… people!
He’s taught countless people in over 170 countries how to use and become God’s Silver Bullets, to survive the realities of life on planet Earth.