Everyone knows about Santa’s good and naughty lists, but Carl is sure there’s a third list:the snotty list.
It all started with the song “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” One day, when he was at the mall in Scranton, Pennsylvania, with his mom, Carl heard it playing through the speakers and there were the lyrics “he’s gonna find out who’s snotty and nice.”
Ten-year-old Carl is determined to prove the existence of the snotty list and realizes he needs to travel to the North Pole to investigate. The journey poses a host of challenges, but he embarks on the snot-filled adventure of a lifetime with an Uber driver named Juan and a cast of other colorful characters.
Alan Carter is an author, musician, artist, and father of three amazing kids. They were the inspiration for this and other tales he has written.
Visit him online at www.alancarterjr.com.
About the author
Alan Carter is an author, musician, artist, and father of three amazing kids. They were the inspiration for this and other tales he has written. Visit him online at www.alancarterjr.com.