Studying Your Workforce concisely and easily describes how to apply specific research methods to common human resource development problems. It outlines the basic principles of research and ties those principles to human resource development functions. Some of the topics examined include performance problem analysis, performance solutions, and assessing solution adequacy. Background sections on the theoretical and research aspects of the methods are included, along with examples drawn from the field showing the approach used in practice. The book concludes with a discussion of special issues including legal and ethical concerns, reporting results, sample size and statistical analysis issues, and confidentiality and privacy.
Table of Content
Using Research for Training and Development
Data Collection
Planning, Testing and Observing
Data Collection
Survey, Interviews and Reporting Results
Front-End Assessment
Identifying Performance Problems
Front-End Assessment
Basing HRD Programs on Needs Analysis
Developing HRD Solutions
Assessing the Adequacy of HRD Solutions