Author: Albert Zomaya

James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park received his Ph.D. degree in Graduate School of Information Security from Korea University, Korea. From December, 2002 to July, 2007, Dr. Park had been a research scientist of R&D Institute, Hanwha S&C Co., Ltd., Korea. From September, 2007 to August, 2009, He had been a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungnam University, Korea. He is now a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology (Seoul Tech), Korea. Dr. Park has published about 100 research papers in international journals and conferences. He has been serving as chairs, program committee, or organizing committee chair for many international conferences and workshops. He is a president of the Future Technology Research Association International (FTRA) and Korea Information Technology Convergence Society (KITCS). He is editor-in-chief of Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences(HCIS) by Springer, International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence (IJITCC) by Inder Science, and Journal of Convergence (Jo C) by FTRA Publishing. He is Associate Editor / Editor of 14 international journals including 8 journals indexed by SCI(E). In addition, he has been serving as a Guest Editor for international journals by some publishers: Springer, Elsevier, John Wiley, Oxford Univ. press, Hindawi, Emerald, Inderscience. His research interests include security and digital forensics, Human-centric ubiquitous computing, context awareness, multimedia services, etc. He got the best paper awards from ISA-08 and ITCS-11 conferences and the outstanding leadership awards from IEEE HPCC-09, ICA3PP-10, IEE ISPA-11, and PDCAT-11. Dr. Park” s research interests include Digital Forensics, Security, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing, Context Awareness, Multimedia Service, etc. He is a member of the IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, KIPS, KICS, KIISC, KMMS, KDFSand KIIT. Albert Y. Zomaya is currently the Chair Professor of High Performance Computing & Networking and Australian Research Council Professorial Fellow in the School of Information Technologies, The University of Sydney. He is also the Director of the Centre for Distributed and High Performance Computing which was established in late 2009. Professor Zomaya held the CISCO Systems Chair Professor of Internetworking during the period 2002–2007 and also was Head of school for 2006–2007 in the same school. Prior to his current appointment he was a Full Professor in the School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering at the University of Western Australia, where he also led the Parallel Computing Research Laboratory during the period 1990–2002. He served as Associate–, Deputy–, and Acting–Head in the same department, and held numerous visiting positions and has extensive industry involvement. Professor Zomaya received his Ph D from the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, Sheffield University in the United Kingdom. Professor Zomaya is the author/co–author of seven books, more than 370 publications in technical journals and conferences, and the editor of nine books and 11 conference volumes. He is the Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Computers and serves as an associate editor for another 19 journals including some of the leading journals in the field, such as, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems and Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. He is the Founding Editor of the Wiley Book Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing and the Co–Editor (with Professor Yi Pan) of the Wiley Book Series on Bioinformatics and (with Professor Mary Eshaghian-Wilner) the Wiley Book Series on Nature Inspired Computing. He is the Editor–in–Chief of the Parallel and Distributed Computing Handbook (Mc Graw-Hill, 1996).  Professor Zomaya was the Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (1999–2003) and currently serves on its executive committee. He also serves on the advisory board of the IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing, the advisory board of the Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs), is a scientific council member of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social–Informatics, and Telecommunications Engineering (Brussels) and member of the board of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Self–Organized Distributed and Pervasive Systems. Professor Zomaya has delivered more than 100 keynote addresses, invited seminars, and media briefings and has been actively involved, in a variety of capacities, in the organization of more than 570 national and international conferences. Professor Zomaya is a Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, a Distinguished Engineer of the ACM and a Chartered Engineer (CEng). He received the 1997 Edgeworth David Medal by the Royal Society of New South Wales for outstanding contributions to Australian Science. In September 2000 he was awarded the Meritorious Service Award and in 2006 was made a member of the Golden Core (both from the IEEE Computer Society). His research interests are in the areas of algorithms, complex systems, parallel and distributed systems and networking. Hwa Young Jeong received the MS degree in computer engineering in 1994 and the Ph.D in computer engineering in 2004 from the Kyung Hee University. Currently, he is a Professor in the Humanitas College at Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea. He is a reviewer of MTAP (Multimedia Tools and Application) at Springer. And he is a member of the Standard Words Committee in Ministry of Information and Communication Republic of Korea. He has worked on the editorial board of the journal of the Korea Society for Internet Information from 2004. He was a system andsoftware engineer in the Aju System Co., and CNA Research Inc., 1994 ~ 1999. In there, he had worked and programmed the GUI system of semiconductor testing machine which was called IC Test Handler. He was assistant professor, Dept of E-Business of Yewon Art University in 2000~2005. He is Director of General Affairs and publication chair of FTRA. Also he is an editor for Jo C(Journal of Convergence), Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences by Springer and Journal of Convergence Information Technology. His research interests include design of system software, software and application with security, manufacturing system software, e/u-learning system. Mohammad S. Obaidat is an internationally well known academic/researcher/ scientist. He received his Ph.D. and M. S. degrees in Computer Engineering with a minor in Computer Science from The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Dr. Obaidat is currently a full Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Monmouth University, NJ, USA. Among his previous positions are Advisor to the President of Philadelphia University for Research, Development and IT, and Chair of the Department of Computer Science, and Director of the Graduate Program at Monmouth University and a faculty member at the City University of New York. He has received extensive research funding and has published over Five Hundred and Sixty (560) refereed technical articles in scholarly international journals and proceedings of international conferences. Prof. Obaidat is the author/co-author of over 15 books including  Wireless Sensor Networks (Cambridge University Press, 2013),   Handbook of Green Information and Communication Systems, (Elsevier 2013), Cooperative Networking, (John Wiley &Sons 2011) and Pervasive Computing and Networking (John Wiley &Sons 2011), “Fundamentals of Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems, “( John Wiley & Sons  2010), “E-business and Telecommunication Networks”,   (Springer in 2008), “Security of e-Systems and Computer Networks” (Cambridge University Press 2007), “Wireless Networks” ( John Wily & Sons 2003), “Multiwavelength Optical LANs” (John Wily & Sons  2003),   APPLIED SYSTEM SIMULATION: Methodologies and Applications, ( Springer 2003). Professor Obaidat has served as a consultant for several corporations and organizations worldwide.Dr. Obaidat is the Editor- in- Chief of three scholarly journals including Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems, FTRA Journal of Convergence: The International Journal of the Future Technology Research Association International, FTRA, and the KJIP Journal of Information Processing. He is also Editor, and Advisory Editor of numerous international journals and transaction including IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-B, IEEE Systems Journal, Wiley Security and Communications Networks Journal, Elsevier Computer Communications Journal, Springer Journal of Supercomputing, SCS Journal of Defense Molding and Simulation, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Academy Journal of Networks, and Journal of Communications, International Journal of Information Technology, International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence, International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies, International Journal of Biosciences and Technology, Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, among others. He also served as editor or advisory editor of numerous other  transactions and journals including: IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man Cybernetics,   IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man Cybernetics- Part A, and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man Cybernetics- Part C, IEEE Wireless Communications, and Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Computers and Electrical Engineering Journal, among many others. Obaidat has served as the steering committee chair, advisory Committee Chair and program chair of numerous international conferences including the IEEE CSSMA-GLOBCOM, IEEE Int”l Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, IEEE International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, IEEE Int Performance, Computing and Communications Conference,   IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, SCSC”97, SCSC98-SCSC2005, SCSC2006, the International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems since its inception in 1998, International Conference on Parallel Processing, Honorary General Chair of the 2006 IEEE Intl. Joint Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications, ICETE2006. He served as General Co-Chair of ICETE 2007-ICETE 2012. He has served as the Program Chair of the  International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems from 2008-Presnet. He is the co-founder and Program Co-Chair of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking, DCNET since its inception in 2009 and the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, WINSYS. Dr. Obaidat has served as the General Chair of many conferences including the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA2007, the IEEE AICCSA 2009 Conference and the 2006 International Symposium on Adhoc and Ubiquitous Computing (ISAHUC”06). He is the founder of the International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, SPECTS and has served as the General Chair of SPECTS since its inception. He also has served on the program and organizing committees of numerous international conferences. Professor Obaidat is the founder of IEEE International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems( CITS) and he is cureently General Chair of CITS 2012. Obaidat has received a recognition certificate from IEEE. Between 1994-1997, Obaidat hasserved as distinguished speaker/visitor of IEEE Computer Society. Since 1995 he has been serving as an ACM distinguished Lecturer. He is also an SCS distinguished Lecturer. Between 1996-1999, Dr. Obaidat served as an IEEE/ACM program evaluator of the Computing Sciences Accreditation Board/Commission, CSAB/CSAC. Obaidat is the founder and first Chairman of SCS Technical Chapter (Committee) on PECTS (Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems). He has served as the Scientific Advisor for the World Bank/UN Digital Inclusion Workshop- The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Development. Between 1995-2002, he has served as a member of the board of directors of the Society for Computer Simulation International. Between 2002-2004, he has served as Vice President of Conferences of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International SCS. Between 2004-2006, Prof. Obaidat has served as Vice President of Membership of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International SCS. Between 2006-2009, he has served as the Senior Vice President of SCS. Between 2009-2011, he served as is the President of SCS. One of his recent co-authored papers has received the best paper award in the IEEE AICCSA 2009 international conference. He also received the best paper award for one of his papers accepted in IEEE GLOBCOM 2009 conference,   the prestigious IEEE Communication Society”s Outstanding Leadership Award for his distinguished contribution and leadership to the 2010 IEEE GLOBECOM-Communication Software, Services, and Multimedia Applications (CSSMA 2010) Symposium, the best paper award from the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Data Communication Networking, DCNET 2011, and  the Outstanding Leadership Award for his distinguished contribution, services, and leadership of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things, i Things 2011. He also received The FTRA Outstanding Leadership Award for Distinguished contribution and leadershipto the 3rd FTRA International Conference on Computer Science and Its Applications (CSA 2011) and the The Certificate of Honor and Appreciation from 2011 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services and Computing Conference (APSCC 2011). Dr. Obaidat received very recently the Society for Modeling and Simulation Intentional (SCS) very prestigious SCS Presidential Service Award in recognition of his worldwide distinguished, outstanding and dedicated technical contributions and services to the Modeling and computer simulation discipline and to the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, SCS, that span over 2 decades. He received in 2009 the SCS very admired Mc Leod Founder”s Award in recognition of his outstanding technical and professional contributions to modeling and simulation. He also received in 2003 the SCS Outstanding Service Award for his dedicated Services to SCS and Molding and Simulation. Prof. Obaidat received also the Nokia Research Fellowship Award and the distinguished Fulbright Scholar Award. He has been invited to lecture and give keynote speeches worldwide. His research interests are: wireless communications and networks, computer networks and telecommunications, security of network, information and computer systems, security of e-based systems, performance evaluation of computer systems, algorithms and networks,   high performance and parallel computing/computers, applied neural networks and pattern  recognition, adaptive learning and speech processing. During the 2004/2005, he was on sabbatical leave as Fulbright Distinguished Professor and Advisor to the President of Philadelphia University in Jordan, Dr. Adnan Badran. The latter became the Prime Minister of Jordan in April 2005 and served earlier as Vice President of UNESCO. Prof. Obaidat is a Fellow of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International SCS, and a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

15 Ebooks by Albert Zomaya

James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park & Albert Zomaya: Frontier and Innovation in Future Computing and Communications
IT technology engineering changes everyday life, especially in Computing and Communications. The goal of this book is to further explore the theoretical and practical issues of Future Computing and C …
Kenli Li & Gregorio Martinez: Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
This four volume set LNCS 9528, 9529, 9530 and 9531 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2015, hel …
Kenli Li & Gregorio Martinez: Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
This fourvolume set LNCS 9528, 9529, 9530 and 9531 constitutes the refereed proceedingsof the 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2015, held …
Kenli Li & Gregorio Martinez: Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
This fourvolume set LNCS 9528, 9529, 9530 and 9531 constitutes the refereed proceedingsof the 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2015, held …
Kenli Li & Gregorio Martinez: Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
This fourvolume set LNCS 9528, 9529, 9530 and 9531 constitutes the refereed proceedingsof the 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2015, held …
Kenli Li & Gregorio Martinez: Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Workshops and Symposiums of the 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2015, held in Zhang …
Abdelkader Hameurlain & Josef Kung: Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XX
The LNCS journal Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems focuses on data management, knowledge discovery, and knowledge processing, which are core and hot topics in computer …
Anand J. Kulkarni & Patrick Siarry: Big Data Analytics in Healthcare
This book includes state-of-the-art discussions on various issues and aspects of the implementation, testing, validation, and application of big data in the context of healthcare. The concept of big …
Sheng Wen & Laurence T. Yang: Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
The two-volume set LNCS 11944-11945 constitutes the proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2019, held in Melbourne, Australia …
Sheng Wen & Laurence T. Yang: Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
The two-volume set LNCS 11944-11945 constitutes the proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2019, held in Melbourne, Australia …
Jun Cai & Yuhui Shi: Data Mining and Big Data
This two-volume set, CCIS 1453 and CCIS 1454, constitutes refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data, DMBD 2021, held in Guangzhou, China, in October 2021. T …
Jun Cai & Yuhui Shi: Data Mining and Big Data
?This two-volume set, CCIS 1453 and CCIS 1454, constitutes refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data, DMBD 2021, held in Guangzhou, China, in October 2021. …
Shuiguang Deng & Ning Li: Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services, Mobi CASE 2021, held in November 2021. …
Sherif Sakr & Albert Zomaya: Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies
The Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies provides researchers, educators, students and industry professionals with a comprehensive authority over the most relevant Big Data Technology concepts. With …
Shuiguang Deng & Schahram Dustdar: Edge Intelligence
This graduate-level textbook is ideally suited for lecturing the most relevant topics of Edge Computing and its ties to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) approaches. It starts fr …