Alex Borucki is an assistant professor of history at the University of California, Irvine. He is the author of Abolicionismo y tráfico de esclavos en Montevideo tras la fundación republicana (1829–1853) and coauthor of Esclavitud y trabajo: Un estudio sobre los afrodescendientes en la frontera uruguaya, 1835–1855, both published in Uruguay.
4 Ebooks by Alex Borucki
Alex Borucki: From Shipmates to Soldiers
Although it never had a plantation-based economy, the Río de la Plata region, comprising present-day Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, has a long but neglected history of slave trading and slavery. T …
Alex Borucki & David Eltis: From the Galleons to the Highlands
The essays in this book demonstrate the importance of transatlantic and intra-American slave trafficking in the development of colonial Spanish America, highlighting the Spanish colonies’ previously …
Fabrício Prado & Viviana L. Grieco: The Rio de la Plata from Colony to Nations
This edited volume brings together essays that examine recent scholarship on the history of the Rio de la Plata region (present-day Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brazil) from the colonial …
Marcus Rediker: Barco de esclavos
El prestigioso historiador Marcus Rediker arroja luz sobre los rincones más oscuros de los barcos esclavistas británicos y estadounidenses del siglo XVIII, instrumento imprescindible de la mayor migr …