Author: Alex C. Michalos

Valerie Møller is Professor of Quality of Life Studies in the Institute for Social and Economic Research at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. She has researched a wide range of quality of life issues in South Africa for public information and policy purposes, including housing, poverty and unemployment, development and service delivery, criminal victimisation and intergenerational relations. Together with colleagues she developed the first survey instruments in the 1980s to measure perceptions of personal well-being among South Africans – the study is regularly updated. More recently she successfully lobbied for the inclusion of a quality of life module in Statistics South Africa’s annual household survey which produces the bulk of national social indicators. Denis Huschka is Managing Director of the German Council for Social and Economic Data, situated in Berlin/Germany. He also conducts scientific studies as a Research Associate of the Institute for Social and Economic Research at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa and he is Permanent Visiting Fellow of the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP). He has conducted empirical research on regional differences in Quality of Life in Germany and Europe, and on Anomia in post-apartheid South Africa. He was involved in establishing or carrying out several survey initiatives (Wohlfahrtssurvey, Germany; General Household Survey 2002, South Africa; Euromodule, Europe). His most recent research interest focuses on the sociological concept of individualisation as applied to given names as social indicators. Alex Michalos

28 Ebooks by Alex C. Michalos

Alex C. Michalos: Citation Classics from Social Indicators Research
Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement was founded by Alex C. Michalos and published its first issue in March 1974. It has been the …
Valerie Møller & Denis Huschka: Barometers of Quality of Life Around the Globe
Quality of life (QOL) research has made great strides since the social indicator movement started as a scientific enterprise in the 1960s. Following the lead of pioneers in North America and Europe, …
Alex C. Michalos: Good Taxes
Financial transactions taxes are in force in all the major developed countries except the USA and Canada. Typically the tax is 0.25% or less, paid whenever stocks and shares or bonds, etc. change han …
Alex C. Michalos: Ancient Views on the Quality of Life
This monograph describes the contributions to our current understanding of quality of life made by the most important ancient philosophers in the Western Tradition. It does so from the point of view …
Alex C. Michalos: How Good Policies and Business Ethics Enhance Good Quality of Life
This volume provides bridges from the social sciences to business ethics and from the latter to the quality of life, by connecting the research themes of quality of life, social sciences, including p …
Alex C. Michalos: Philosophical Foundations of Quality of Life
This first volume has as its main focus the philosophical foundations of Michalos’ work and describes it in the broad context of the study of logic, the philosophy of social sciences, and a general t …
Alex C. Michalos: Development of Quality of Life Theory and Its Instruments
The focus of this volume is on the further development of the Quality of Life Theory and the means to measure the concept. The volume summarizes Michalos’ fundamental assumptions about the nature of …
Alex C. Michalos: Connecting the Quality of Life Theory to Health, Well-being and Education
This volume connects aspects of personal health, overall well-being, and education to quality of life. It includes discussions of Galen’s and Harvey’s views of the movement of blood in human bodies, …
Kenneth C. Land & Alex C. Michalos: Handbook of Social Indicators and Quality of Life Research
The aim of the Handbook of Social Indicators and Quality of Life Research is to create an overview of the field of Quality of Life (QOL) studies in the early years of the 21st century that can be upd …
Alex C. Michalos & Deborah C Poff: Citation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics
The Journal of Business Ethics was founded by Alex C. Michalos and Deborah C. Poff and published its first issue in March 1982. It is the most frequently cited business ethics journal in the world. T …
Alex C. Michalos: Trade Barriers to the Public Good
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) were designed to strengthen investor’s rights at the expense of community rights and environmental protection …
Alex C. Michalos: Global Report on Student Well-Being
What makes people satisfied or happy with their lives or with particular features of their lives? In his attempt to answer these questions, the author has applied his Multiple Discrepancies Theory to …
Alex C. Michalos: Global Report on Student Well-Being
I suppose that most of the people reading this volume will have read or have access to Volume One of my Global Report on Student Well- Being. Therefore, I will not review the background literature re …
Alex C. Michalos: Global Report on Student Well-Being
I suppose that most of the people reading this volume will have read or have access to Volume One of my Global Report on Student Well- Being. Therefore, I will not review the background literature re …
Alex C. Michalos: Global Report on Student Well-Being
I suppose that most of the people reading this volume will have read or have access to Volume One of my Global Report on Student Well- Being. Therefore, I will not review the background literature re …
Alex C. Michalos: Good Taxes
Financial transactions taxes are in force in all the major developed countries except the USA and Canada. Typically the tax is 0.25% or less, paid whenever stocks and shares or bonds, etc. change han …
Alex C. Michalos: Environment, Transportation, and Housing
For readers who intend to read this volume without reading the first, some in- troductory remarks are in orde{about the scope of the work and the strategy used in all five volumes to measure the qual …
Alex C. Michalos: North American Social Report
It would have been nice to have been able to write this book with the style of Mailer, the wit of Shaw, the breadth of Myrdal and the zeal of Nader. It would also have been miraculous. Rest assured t …
Alex C. Michalos: North American Social Report
For readers who intend to read this volume without reading the first, some in- troductory remarks are in order about the scope of the work and the strategy used in all five volumes to measure the qua …
Robert S. Cohen & J. van Evra: PSA 1974
For this book, we have selected papers from symposia and contributed sessions at the fourth biennial meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, held at the University of Notre Dame on November …
Alex C. Michalos: Popper-Carnap Controversy
1 In 1954 Karl Popper published an article attempting to show that the identification of the quantitative concept degree of confirmation with the quantitative concept degree of probability is a serio …
Alex C. Michalos: North American Social Report
For readers who intend to read this volume without reading the first, some in- troductory remarks are in order about the scope of the work and the strategy used in all five volumes to measure the q U …
Alex C. Michalos: North American Social Report
For readers who intend to read this volume without reading the ftrst, some introductory remarks are in order about the scope of the work and the strategy used in all ftve volumes to measure the quali …
Alex C. Michalos: Essays on the Quality of Life
Since initiating the journal Social Indicators Research in 1974, Alex C. Michalos has been a pioneer in social indicators and quality-of-life research. This collection of nineteen articles provides a …
Alex C. Michalos: Trade Barriers to the Public Good
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) were designed to strengthen investor’s rights at the expense of community rights and environmental protection …
Alex C. Michalos: The Pope of Happiness
This book honors the work of Ruut Veenhoven, who has been a pioneer and leader in the field of happiness studies for the past 50 years. It brings together experts in the field discussing Veenhoven’s …
Alex C. Michalos: Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research
The aim of this encyclopedia is to provide a comprehensive reference work on scientific and other scholarly research on the quality of life, including health-related quality of life research or also …
Alex C. Michalos & Deborah C Poff: Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics
This encyclopedia, edited by the past editors and founder of the Journal of Business Ethics, is the only reference work dedicated entirely to business and professional ethics. Containing over 2000 en …